Fear and guilt

by William Penwell 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Went to a borg assembly the other day. The only thing I remember is them preaching fear and guilt, fear and guilt. I heard a JW sister say how she pioneered because she felt so guilty. I thought is that a good reason why someone should pioneer?? It is a good thing that I see there mind controlling game now but I understand why for so many years I felt so insignificant and so unworthy to even live. I am sure glad that is behind me now.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Amazing

    Hi WP: Fear is our most powerful emotion, above even love. Marketing experts use subtle fear to sell products. To the extent that most do this, they remain reasonably ethical ... much of the time. Religions vary much more. The JWs, as a religion that markets itself, uses fear to the limits.

    It is fun to sit back and watch TV ads or listen to radio ads use fear, mostly fear of loss ... "If you don't use Our Breath Mint, then the girl will not want to kiss you." If you "Don't buy Our SUV, and you won't have as much fun in the country." if you "Don't use our Pill, then you will suffer longer."

    I especially love the way Pharmasuitical companies have to disclose side effects. "Take our Pill to cure you depression, but you may end up vomiting, getting the runs, loss of hair, impaired vision, loss of concentration, or death. If you take other medications, be sure to concult with your doctor as there may be serious drug interactions, such as erectile dysfunction, loss of interest in sex, high blood pressure, and stroke."

    True, the Physicians Desk Reference reports that the chance of side effects are minimal and often only occur in laboratory rats. But, they are forced by law to disclose anyway ... so, the mixed fear signals to use their Pill or not to use their Pill is very fascinating.

    Good points on fear ... yes, I agree 100%.

  • IMBlueFire

    Towards the end, I forced myself to go even though I was so miserable. I started taking Prozac...which killed most of my feelings, including guilt. So, I no longer had to go.
    Thank God for Prozac.

  • zugzzwan

    Sounds to me like we need to send an elder and a fresh faced you ministerial servant over there to counsel that pioneer sister that she should not be serving Jehovah out of guilt but rather out of love for her creator and fellow man!

    Now how about a few return visits and then we hit the donut shop?

    Now that I think of it I haven't had a good donut in about 7 years! Course I havn't got no time in either.

  • Celtic

    Fear the Lord, lest God be angry and you perish in the way!!

    Tripe and codswallop!!

    To control people through fear was not Gods way at all, man likes fear as a weapon of destruction and war, for through these tactical statements most money can be extracted from members.

    Jesus taught Love not fear.



  • Kep

    WP, you are so right about that.
    I pioneered because they kept pounded young childless couples about putting spiritual interests ahead of our own.
    For 3 years I kept hearing that from the platform, I felt guilty.
    I got slammed for having a bad track record and not reaching out, I felt guilty.
    So it seemed the best way to make the many wrongs in my life right was to pioneer.
    Yup, they sure know how to bombard you until you succumb to their ways.
    I'm so glad I don't have to hear that rot again.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I could never understand that concept of Fearing God whereas Jesus taught a God of love and kindness. It always seemed to me as a contradiction.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You are so right. I only did what the Jdubs told me to out of guilt. I am sure that thousands of others felt the same way as we did. The thing I found out though was that no matter how much you gave it was never good enough. They were always raising the "bar" level. So either you try to keep up with it and feel like a lowly piece of crap or you give up and tell them where to stick it.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • Imbue

    Actually, they use SHAME and guilt mostly. Most of the JWs I know are ACOA's and thoroughly shame based. So it's natural for them to shame others. How ever an elder was raised and raises his own family that's how he treats the congregation.This has been my observation.

    If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members — The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My experience also. Every one of my dub family use this to get there own way in everything. "If you don't do what I want you to do you will hurt me". It is very hard for one even after they leave to change their behavior to stop thinking that way. I was talking to one JW just last year and the two things I noticed was she tried to change my way of thinking with making me feel guilty. Because of this they all have such low self esteem. The only reason I have higher self extreme is because I eventually got away from their mind control.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

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