Pious-sneering is not something you should do. What are the benefits to you for doing it? And, what are the costs? If the costs exceed the benefits, you should not do it.
Most young people should be preparing for employment of the type that helps them pay the bills. While they are unable to find it, they might be working on developing a skill. College may help--presuming the debt is manageable. Other ways young people can prepare include learning to do something they enjoy. If they enjoy it and it has marketable value, they can use it in barter situations. If you enjoy something, don't worry about being good at it--you WILL get good soon enough if you truly enjoy it and keep at it.
Some suggestions: Repairing things. People are looking for ways to save money, and fixing things instead of replacing them is one way to do that. You could, for instance, invest in rebuilding or repairing computers (this will be in demand for a long time, and the U-Fix means you only pay for the parts), cars, electronic equipment, appliances, and even buildings and fixtures within them. People enjoy saving money on a U-Fix, and it puts less in the landfill (for instance, I souped up the RAM to the maximum my motherboard would take, souped up the hard drive to 1 TB from 200 GB, and put a better power supply in my own computer, along with installing my own copy of Windows 7 on my new hard drive in place of XP).
Other things you could do include gardening, building things, and landscaping. Cleaning is not reliable since people skimp on that when things get tough (besides, the U-Clean system is too easy for anyone to use). But, wasting your time pious-sneering is going to waste resources, plus prevent you from getting any skills you can use to barter with later.