WT June 15 on jw.org

by Gayle 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • agonus


    Realistically, they're not counting on a high volume of readership (let alone fact-checking - that's left up to us apostates). What they're counting on is a high volume of placement. It's mostly about busy work nowadays.

  • 00DAD

    jwfacts: I wonder why they don't check these things before printing.

    Because only us apostates check them! The "Faithful" never would dare.

  • steve2

    You mean people inside actually read and make sense of this BS??? I can confidently state that, while there is no further room for new toes sprouting, a bunyion or two might come in handy. Anything to latch an absurd interpretation on.

    No afficionado of Biblical prophecy - and I mean none - anticipated the fall of communism and rise of Islam this side of Armageddon or whatever you call it. Look into any of the stuffy, parochial tomes interpreting scripture (say on Daniel or Revelation) and the focus was squarely on communism threatening the stability of the world and the dire need for heavenly intervention to save obedient mankind from the red scourge.

    Christians and others who retrospectively re-interpret scripture - which has been re-interpreted so often through the millenia as to be beyond a joke - reveal how slippery their divine memories are and how desperate their need to stick to books of prophecythat need "Not for Resusitation" stamped on their covers.

  • jwfacts

    Agonus & 00DAD - fact-checking - that's left up to us apostates

    Yes, very true. I took everything as 100% true as a JW, and never checked a single piece of information until I was leaving.

    Steve2 - No afficionado of Biblical prophecy - and I mean none - anticipated the fall of communism and rise of Islam this side of Armageddon or whatever you call it.

    It is remarkable that they have held onto the whole US world power definition, with any enlightened understanding about what the King of the North and South means with the fall of communism. I guess they scared to take a stab at whether it will end up being China or the Middle East that will rise to be the biggest threat. If the US economy were to totally collapse and China become the largest economic and military power that would throw a spanner in the works, but that is likely a few decades off.

  • double07

    Page 23, paragraph 14 (of the "educated people edition") is interesting:

    "14 Reflect back on the joy that so

    many of God’s people had during the

    Memorial season this year. During

    March, a special provision allowed auxiliary

    pioneers to choose whether they

    would devote 30 or 50 hours to the field

    service. (Ps. 110:3) Millions shared in

    auxiliary pioneer service, and congregations

    seemed to radiate exceptional

    excitement and joy."

    So apparently, since this was written before the memorial season started, the GB can now fortell the future about things unrelated to the Bible! They must use some good furtune tellers!

    I don't doubt that "millions" will auxilirary pioneer again this year, although I suspect it will be significantly less than last year. What makes me laugh, however, is the way the Watchtower Society writes about "congregations radiating exceptional excitement and joy" in advance of the actual event! Just another example of make-believe things in the Watchtower...

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