They Don't Care If It Is Not The Truth

by Dutchy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frenchy

    While I do not doubt the situation that you described, nor do I say that it did not happen, BUT…I must say that I find it hard to believe that your two brothers would come right out and say what they did. In all my years (40+) of association and service in the organization I have run across many men in power. There are those that are in it for just what you stated but I have never heard someone admit to this.

    I have run across some very sincere people who had doubts and were aware of the many injustices in the system. They somehow believed (or rationalized) that the good that was there outweighed the bad.

    I have known some that were in it just for the power trip BUT...they would never admit it...not even to themselves. They were, themselves, caught up in their own web of deceit and hypocrisy. They saw themselves as fully righteous.

    I have known some as described by Path. This is the saddest of all cases, I believe. These people cannot afford to see the real truth. They don’t have the time to re-adjust.

  • Dutchy

    HI Frenchy: Your comments are indeed insightful. My siblings and I are very close and we have discussions about the Society all the time. My brothers have told me that they don't believe that Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth and that there eyes are open to the duplicity in the organization. However, they just can't get beyond the fact that people look up to them, that people follow what they say, that in some instances they are almost worshipped. Maybe they are in a group all their own, but outside of the organization they have menial jobs where people are telling them what to do all the time. Then they get dressed in suits and shirts and ties and go to the Kingdom Hall and suddenly its all different. They are Brother So 'N So and now they are in charge. They love it. Outwardly, you would think they are the most faithful witnesses, but in private they know they are part of the scam. That was my point, they just don't care if Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth or not, the organization fulfills a need for them, fills some sort of gap that is missing in their lives and they will not give it up. I know it sonds like they are completely a-moral, but its not like an actual religion to them, its just a job that they love and they will not give it up. What can I say.

  • Amazing

    Hi Dutchy: It's hard to imagine that men could have such blantant bad motives ... but nothing is impossible. I will keep this short as I got into a big flap on a related issue a couple of months ago:

    I think it is unfair and unrealistic to paint "All" JW Elders with the same stereo-typical broad-brush that some have done. Yes, I agree that there are plently of bad ones ... but equally many good ones ... otherwise, if all were so ill-motivated, none would resign or leave the religion. In the USA alone, there are about 12,000 JW congregations, with an average of 5 Elders each, that means about 60,000 men. The law of large numbers strongly suggest that not "all" are acting for the sole reason of personal glory, while at the same time not believing in the religion.

    I believe that there are many shades of gray on this ... from men raised as JWs who grow up into Elders ... to men who join, progress, believe, serve within the system the best they can, and some leave the religion, some have so many years with it that they cannot easily get untangled ... and others, maybe more than we realize stay for selfish reasons. But, I don't think that we can categorically say they are all a bunch of janitors who have found a way to stardom.

    I think Pathoforms gave the most balanced picture of why many get caught up in staying at Bethel. It is not that "all" act with malice of forethought, but that circumstances make it easy to defend, deny, and hide from reality.

    Anyway, enough said. Thanks for your post, because it does bring out the hard reality that not all in the JW leadership agree with the religion ... even COs, DOs, and others higher-up ... and this is another example of why the religion is ultimately doomed to failure.

  • Dutchy

    Hi Amazing: I enjoyed your post and I concur. I only meant to give my own personal experience with my brothers and never meant to imply that this applies to all elders. All men are different and all men have their own reasons for living their lives the way they do. Some are absolutely honorable, I know, but some are not so honorable.

  • Pubsinger

    I wouldn't mind so much if they'd cut out all the talk about being Gods only channel, got on with their own lives, stopped slagging off other denominations and let other people get on with THEIR lives

  • DanielHaase

    Some people seem to fear change, others thrive on it.

  • troucul
    troucul brother in law did a little experiment on himself a few years back while becoming a m.s. upset by being screwed over beforehand, he purposely set out to be a m.s. with the responsibilities and then ditched everything all at once shortly after he got the position. he laughed his ass off as they scrambled to find other schmucks to fill the holes(i.e., do all their work for them).hahahahahah....god bless'em

    i'm lookin high, i'm lookin low
    i wanna know, therefore i go
    your number is one your number is one

    henry rollins

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    During a meeting I had with and elder (the one that was offended that I started with a prayer) one of my questions were:
    If a jw didn't believe something that was solid doctrine, ie the generation thing before they changed it and was Df'd for it, after it was changed, do they seek out those df'd and take them back, mend their families, pay for their medical bills etc?

    After trying to make me feel how unimportant this question was, he in a round about way (he was in front of other sheep) ended his answer with "loyalty to the organization is more important to the truth"
    I think that he at that time might have stumbled upon this, even being surprised that he had actually said this out loud!
    His mannerisms following this epiphany told the story.

    And that is the TRUTH about WT truth[TM]

  • Sargon

    HI Will,
    Someone once said, the truth will set you free. This person must have never met a jw.

    I know it's only Rock n' Roll...

  • Kiwikid

    All this is not new. Read Matthew 23.

    The teachers of the law and The Pharasee's sit in Moses seat so you must obey them and do everything they tell you....for they do not practice what they preach! They tie up heave loads and tie them on mens shoulders but they them selves are not willing to lift a finger to move them

    Woe to you (the pharisees) the teachers of the law, you shut the kingdom of heaven in mens faces

    v 15 - You Hypocrites...

    Etc etc, I wonder if Jesus was being Prophetic about our Elders, or they model them selves on the 1st centuary Pharasee's

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