Be a part of research about leaving the JWs...

by TerriO 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flossycat

    Will do.

    (BTW, my book 'A Little Lower Than Angels' was published in the UK by Melrose Books, Ely. It'll give you a roller-coaster ride on the antics of a confused black sheep on the run and why I did the things I did. Got an email recently from exJW (30 years JW) in Canada saying it's the best book he's ever read.)

    Best wishes,

    Flossycat, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Flossycat

    Done. Great survey. Hope it helps at a university and community and public level, eventually.

  • Chariklo

    Terri. it asks us right at the beginning to confirm that we have read the information sheet about it, but where is that sheet?

  • Phizzy

    Dear Chariklo, Does that first question not refer to the intro. above it, about stopping at any time etc ? Is that not the instruction sheet ? I am presuming it is, and going ahead anyway, just like I always say I have read Terms and Conditions, and I haven't, LOL

    Hi Terri !

    Great to see you are doing this study, I think it could have a great impact for many years to come, as the damage inflicted by JW's ,Scientologists, SDA's and other high control groups on those who leave is considerable, and the health professions need to be aware of the depth and extent of that damage.

    Go girl ! I am about to E-mail the link to a friend of mine who left the SDA's I am sure she will take part.

  • Chariklo

    Phizzy, I just thought that it read as if there would be a separate information sheet. I looked for a link to a .pdf or something. I'm thinking that TerriO will check back in on here, but if not I'll email her.

  • Phizzy

    Dear Chariklo, she's a bloody student, won't be up till gone mid day ! LOL

    She is a lovely girl so I hope this gets the support/response she is hoping for.

  • TerriO

    LOL @ Phizzy, I totally did only just get up at midday as well! Sorry guys! Ok, Chariklo, you are completely right, it says information sheet, when it should say refer to the information written above. This is because I just copied and pasted it from paper surveys/experiments that we normally do. Thanks for pointing it out, I've edited it now! xx

    And thank you so much to everyone who has done it so far, it really really helps! I realise that it can take about 25 minutes to do, this is because for the study to be taken seriously in academia, I need to ask lots of different questions to make sure I am looking at what I say I am looking at. I can't really use the data unless you complete it to the end, so if you can do it, it would be really great if you could stick it out till the end.

    I've had a few emails now from the leading psychologists in this area, and have been speaking with a sociologist who specialises in new religious movements/cults/sects etc. And an MP in Belgium. Plenty of people are interested in this study, so it is likely that it will get published, but that is only if I get enough people to do it. So if you do want to pass the link on to other exJWs or other former members of other religious groups then please do pass it on, but don't make them feel pressured as it must be completely voluntary.

    Thank you so much for the support so far guys, I of course will let you know the results when I have them sometime later in the year....

    (Why can't I paste anything in this box??)

  • snare&racket

    Good work TerriO, Keep it up xxx

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi TerriO, Have you asked to post your survey on,,,, and other exJW forums?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Found Sheep

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