At the latest CA in Natick MA, District Overseer Brown W. Payne made a comment about a "famous female tennis player who's a sister"...
"I don't have to tell you her name, right? We're told she says she's a Jehovah's Witness and swears in the tennis court. We all have heard about it. So the next day it's all over the news. And we have people, reporters, calling the Branch asking if it's OK for a Jehovah's Witness to swear in public. You see, how it can bring reproach on Jehovah's name? If a Catholic or a Baptist did it would people be asking? But now we have to be very careful what we say and how we act, because it could bring reproach on Jehovah's name."
Doesn't it sound instead like Bro Payne is more concerned about people calling "the Branch" and giving the WT religion a bad name?
"Serena Williams was fined a record $82,500 for her tirade at a U.S. Open line judge and could be suspended from that tournament if she has another “major offense” at any Grand Slam in the next two years."
"Grand Slam administrator Bill Babcock’s ruling was released Monday, and he said Williams faces a “probationary period” at tennis’ four major championships in 2010 and 2011. If she has another “major offense” at a Grand Slam tournament in that time, the fine would increase to $175,000 and she would be barred from the following U.S. Open."
Serena Williams "fine" moment on video:
"LMAO did anyone else hear the "YEAH YOU DID!"? from the fan @ 2:00 after Serena denied threatening her"