Hi everyone, I have some questions for anyone that can answer. I've been doing some research in the whole United Nations scandal with the Watchtower Organization. And I am wondering what the society's view on the UN is as of late. Are they still printing in any of their articles that the UN is the wild beast? Even after removing themselves from being a member, do they still put the UN in a positive or negative light? Or did the society just all together drop any mention of the UN within their publications? I don't have access to any of the watchtower cds to run a search on. If anyone can help out, thanks alot.
United Nations mentioned in Watchtower publications
by Magi 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Amelia Ashton
Welcome to the board Magi
Their stance has not changed as far as I am aware.
*** w11 3/15 p. 24 par. 2 Prove Yourself Ready! ***
The scarlet-colored wild beast represents the United Nations, and “the ten horns” represent all the political powers. These will turn on the harlotlike Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and violently destroy her. When will this event occur? We do not know the day and the hour. (Matt. 24:36) We do know that it will be at an hour when we do not expect it and that the time left before this attack is reduced. (Matt. 24:44; 1 Cor. 7:29)
See latest study ed - June 15th 2012 pg 12 - UN is still the eighth king.
Thanks for the welcome Amelia. And thanks to both for the articles. If I remember right, when the society was putting the UN in a good light during its membership, the articles were mostly if not all in the Awake. I can see the organization using the "Watchtower" magazines to promote their doctrines to the JWs. So, do you think there's any mention of the UN in the Awake articles still?
The Awake now only reports on facts re the united nations or quotes from them, usually in the "watching the world" article.
Just read through that page you mentioned, flamegrilled. No walking on eggshells there. The article says that the wild beast is Satan's earthly political setup and will be destroyed along with the 2horned wild beast, Anglo-America. I guess the WTBTS is still sticking with this setup.
It seems to me that with these watchtower study editions, they can keep their crazy doctrines within the circle more or less. And not scare off potential members. Hell, even scare off potential bed-partners such as the UN.
When did these study editions start being published?
I've tried looking for the reason the society joined membership as a NGO in the first place. Was it for money? Prestige? A library card? Just kidding about the last one but anyone got any good evidence or conspiracies on why they took the chance to consort with "the enemy"? I don't think they believed they would get caught for one thing. The internet didn't really take off until mid to late 90s and would have been hard for any of their sheep to find out without that source. But why join NGO status at all?
If for no other reason it would help in reaching into new territories if the U N were on board. Exactly the reason many people suck up to people or nations in power. It's all about how they can use that friendship to further their own agenda.
2 examples of the U.N. advertising required by Watchtower in order to keep membership status and fulfill obligation as a NGO