all spritiual views welcome. I'd also like to know if the bible presents death as a transition and if it does so more than presenting it as a complete end.
is death a transition?
by soft+gentle 30 Replies latest jw friends
transition; Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another
Death is the absence of life.
It is not a goal.
I am a believer in God who I believe is the cause of life. God's purpose (this is what JWs got right imo) is that life find's life's way to care for the life of one's self, of every other living thing and the Earth (which I think might have a spirit of it's own),
If I am right that God is real and has a purpose for life and Earth, why would God make death a goal too?
Now if I am delusional (said with ever ounce of respect that I can muster) then who cares? And if you do care despite there being no Person of God, there would be spirit to carry you from death to whereever, and that Spirit would deserve respect I think. If that spirit has the power to make a transition is it wrong to call it god and make it feel good about itself?
I came and posted because you asked so I did.
n.drew thanks for posting and I'm glad you have.
just breaking down what you have said
are you saying that positing that death is an end makes it goal oriented?
Does the Bible present death as a transition? No I don't think so.
Does the Bible present death as a complete end? No I am sure that it does not.
How can both be true?
It is my opinion that the Bible presents the transition of life to life in a different time. The resurrection I believe is possible. I believe there exists a transition from physical body to spiritual body. But death is not the cause of the transition, life is. Death is powerless.
"transition from life to life" is an exciting thought and thanks for explaining
now I need some scriptures to back up what you are saying.
Positing; Assume the existence of. To put forward, as for consideration or study
are you saying that positing that death is an end makes it goal oriented
No, positing death would confuse the study of life.
Death IS an end. A wise man once said "pick up your cross" . He was the fellow that died on a cross or tree but who cares and why? It means your death will come, do not fear it, but pick it up. Now if someone should pick it up (it is rare) and carry it, they would be wise to make it light.
"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." Luke 20:38
all are living but in a different time?
People are afraid they might post a wrong answer to soft & gentle's query maybe? (great name b the way why didn't I think of it first?).
So why do we not just let the false prophet have it to get it wrong? Because we'll be sorry if we do.
I have taken up my "cross" which means I do not want to finish my life sorry.