Time for another Leonard Cohen thread
by finallysomepride 19 Replies latest jw friends
a comment on youtube:
To borrow an idea of Mark Twain's, If Leonard Cohen doesn't go to heaven when he dies, I want? to go where he went.
nancy drew
So long Marianne it's time we began to laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again
I did a cover of Hallelujah when I was about 22 years old back in 84 or 85. Here it is on mp3.
FSP... he's a Buddhist, so don't worry,,, your energy will be entwined with his, mine and the rest of the universe ....
A personal favorite ....
Oh friends, ... don't matter if you're a man or a woman.
If you're in love with somebody,
these are the words that you got to learn to say.
Now listen carefully. Here it comes...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAU-a75jia0
TOTH,, once again :(
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Tal, I HATE that dropbox. Here is the song..I sent it to youtube.
Band on the Run
Suzanne was my intro. I wish he were a bigger commercially so the radio would play his songs more. It isn't an issue today with Pandora, ipod, and other ways to listen to his music. I feel his genius was neglected. Perhaps he wanted it that way.