June 15 WT-The F&DS is part of the Woman's Seed!?! WTF!

by serenitynow! 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    mrsjones5, as a side observation, look at the way Freddie is holding his book - the way any normal (his loonines, notwithstanding and offtopic to my point) person does - with the front cover facing him.

    Contrast this with ANY ridiculous WT or AWAKE picture, where any propaganda society publication is held in a way so we can see its cover.

    Who thinks of this effed-up nonsense....

    Go ahead, pick up a book and you'll see what I mean

  • vanyell

    This is a good analysis of Genesis 3:15.


    Now how can we address that twisted version from the kool-aid mag???

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    WTF is right!

    I'm still reading through CoC, and WoW! First time just a few chapters, this time the entire read. Really shows how the GB and their uninspired sciptual explainations are so off course, and they themselves know this and don't even bat an eye

    It seems as though the GB and WTS know they're losing their grip on the flock, so they have the need to insist/ingrain/carve into their minds that they are the FDS that is leading. What pompas asses to think that scripture applies to them. And how right were they about "This Generation"???

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    That red plaid shirt is cracking me up.

    Bet you didn't know he was a member of the Bloods. He was even down with DJ Quik.

  • Terry

    The red plaid shirt m-i-g-h-t make it........but, the red tie WITH the damned plaid shirt goes off the rails!

    Anybody want to bet on whether the socks were red too?

  • agonus

    REPRESENT, my senile geriatric thug brotha!

  • ziddina
    "Anybody want to bet on whether the socks were red too? ..." Terry

    The question is whether his socks even matched....

    That bizarre mentality may give them another "out", when that fiasco in Australia spreads thru the organization via the "grapevine" - you know, that the "Faithful And Discreet Slave" ™ doesn't actually "exist" - as a legal entity that can be SUED, that is...

  • Stealth

    The only thing he is missing with the red shirt is his pocket protector. He has at least 3 pens so he qualifies for one.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    You guys are toooooooooo funny... Theocraic Street Gangsta.....Bro Theo Franz....LOL

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Why does Freddy look like a recruitment poster for the Hitler youth is he wearing leather shorts?

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