Since exiting the Witnesses have you Become More " Spiritual " ? - Not ........

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    FLYING HIGH NOW- I guess I figured that you assumed that most Indian tribes had taken up Catholism . As you say I was probably wrong in that assumption, my apologies fo that. However - if you get a chance you really should read more than just PARTS of the book " Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee " . It wasn't JUST the land & resources of the Native Americans that the white men wanted - they wanted to take away their freedom as human beings as well , one reason all tribes were FORCED into living on reservations by the United States government so the U.S. military wouldn't EVER have to worry about Indians encroaching on what white men and women had unlawfully stolen , land, resources, yes- but also freedom of movement and a way of life culturally from Europe which white men didn't want Indians changing. Most religious, political, and U.S. leaders ( including military ) believed in what was called " Manifest Destiny " a belief that God had somehow put the White Americans there on Indian property to " control and subdue their native ways " and to indoctrinate them in ther religious beliefs as subservient slaves under the White race.

    Your statement, " Men and women have always used any effective means to control others ". True, but that doesn't mean I have to meekly accept that . We can always fight against that . And champion freedom of mind and freedom of rights for others , all humans. Your statement, " fear is very effective. " True, but very unethical and evil when it's implemented to manipulate other humans as groups or individually. And as you say people are made to " fear God " in religions today , I agree, which is another marketing tool for religions I believe

  • 00DAD

    The whole time I was still "in" (25 years) I was very interested in developing my spirituality. I really believed at first that Witnesses had the Truth. (I was in my early 20's when I started studying).

    It was so exciting to have found it, to be part of it. But then, as I continued to try to progress, I found WTBTS beliefs to be curiously limiting. It took me a while to recognize this as I still believed IT was "The Truth" and figured the problem must be ME. (Gee, I wonder where I ever got that idea?) Then, after a dozen or so years being an elder and doing more research and having more experiences higher up the food-chain, I began to see the cracks in the facade of the mighty Watchtower fortress. This led to disillusionment and finally, after discovering what a fraudulent and corrupt organization it really is, a complete rejection. But of course as has been the case with many of us here, for 5 or 6 years I remained stuck in the organization because of their manipulative psychological hold on me and the very real threat of expulsion and subsequent shunning, both of which eventually occurred.

    Nevertheless, during the last couple of years I was "in" and faking it, I began exploring other ways to expand my spirituality. I had to because the beliefs of the WT which I at first though were so liberating were in fact just a bigger box and I felt so confined, suffocated even by their controlling rules, doctrines and policies.

    One of the things I spent a great deal of time with was meditation, not the "WT" version which is really just concentrated contemplation, but the transcendental type. I had done this a lot before becoming a JW and abandoned it for many years for obvious reasons. But when the WT could not satisfy my spiritual needs I had to find a means that could. Plus this had the benefit of being something that I could do completely within myself and by my self. No one would or even could know.

    I found such satisfaction and insight into this means to open up my mind to possibilities and creative thoughts that were stifled and suppressed under WT theology. I have continued this practice on a regular basis down to this day and plan on continuing for the rest of my life. The insights I have gained and the access to places, ideas and concepts that were heretofore hidden and forbidden have been incredible. New ways of thinking and of seeing have been revealed to me in powerful ways.

    One of the great ironies of being a JW is that we/they think they have an answer for everything. Curiously I found, not only for myself but for many other JWs, that this belief that you have all the answers actually makes you more anxious, less at peace, more confrontational, less accepting, more unhappy and less content. Funny, isn't it.

    I may not have any more answers than before, although I do have a few, but I am pleasantly much more at peace with not knowing them. Plus I enjoy just pondering the questions and simply being in awe of the infinite.

  • AwareBeing

    Hello flipper;

    Thanks for the follow up! Your thread is a pertinent subject to ponder. In fact, that's one of the motivators for our leaving... the congo's had an anti-spiritual effect on those not in "the loop!" During the last 5 years, we would dread the thought of driving ourselves there to be with so many snobs and controlling personality types! Mrs. Being was getting sick along the way there. She suffered allot of anguish, and even several focused attacks on her mind and emotions. Then we began to realize that the WT didn't OBEY the truth, so there was no need for us to believe the the congo's were "just imperfect" and that they would soon start OBEYING the truth! It is corrupt from head to toe. What a great relief to finally be aware of THE truth, that WT & congo's were imposter's; it was they who were not spiritual, rather than us! Oh but the mind games they play with the scriptures to make you think it's ALL you! Evil! Evil! That's what they are. Now that we're not living their lie; our minds have cleared of the manipulations, and the emotional abuse is gone! We are free, and Christ is our intercessor, not nonspiritual witness leaders and their fake[y] families!

    PS: 00DAD, We've got a few similar experiences.

    Sincerely; AB

  • flipper

    00DAD- Like yourself I had doubts for years about the WT society's teachings, but out of fear of JW family shunning me I stayed silent. And as you say the WT society made us feel insecure about our doubts anyway- that something was wrong with us because we doubted - but in actuality something was wrong with the WT society all along ! I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed pursuing other subjects and research after exiting the Witnesses, I've done that also and have enjoyed the many viewpoints I've read- especially researhing in mind control and psychology. The human mind facsinates me. I'm happy to hear you are more at peace, me too.

    AWAREBEING- Exactly. WT society constantly plays mind games making US feel evil when in fact the WT leaders are evil manipulating, mind controlling freaks ! I also dealt with VERY controlling personality types as well. It was a frag. I finally escaped the lunatic asylum ( kindom hall ) in late 2003. Problem is for current JW's- the lunatics at the top of the WT society are still running the asylum. Crazy stuff. I'm glad to hear your have your freedom

  • flipper

    BTTT, All comments welcome

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