Is the Bible obsessed with numbers, if so why ?

by mP 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    Lost Lamb said:

    "Even hard-core Christians have a hard time skirting around this “little” problem."

    Actually, no, only a tiny minority see any significance in this numbers thing.

    If you are really interested, try a google search for my old friend Peter Bluer and Bible numerics.

    Personally, I think the numbers game is just plain daft.

  • mP


    Yes the priests used divination and the apostles themselves threw sticks to select a replacement for Judais when they eleected Matthais.

    The problem with divination is not that it is done the problem is the priests in the OT want to be the ONLY authority. They dont want competition. If we examine the role in the temple and priests in the daily lives we can see they are a very influencial rich business. They are the only ones who can slaughter animals for meat, however they want a share. The same is true of sacrifices, repayments for sin and so on. Its all about MONEY nothing more nothing less.

  • ProdigalSon

    Of course it's obsessed with numbers. The Bible is a book of Kabbalah. Numerology (Gematria) is a foundation of this ancient metaphysical science.

    Pythagoras discovered that everything both inside and outside this universe can be explained in mathematical equations..... and hence in music.

    In other words, Mathematical Logic = God.

    Music (and they say art, but I just can't see it), are the only things in this world that are QUANTUM.... the more instruments, vocalists, etc.... the better, as long as they are in harmony.

    But try listening to a few different Sunday talks going on at once.... a cacaphony from hell! More than any sentient being could bear!

  • mP


    Yes its obvious that Mathematics is the language of the universe. My original question was about the fact that some numbers seem to appear out of proportion and completely unrelated to the subject. Theres no mathematical reason why there has to be 12 tribes of israel.

  • tec

    Music DOES speak to your soul. I never heard anyone speak of music in that way, PS. I like that.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You raise some interesting points mp......cheers

  • transhuman68

    LOL, there were really only 2 tribes left during the period that most of the Bible was written anyway.... the 10 tribe kingdom of Isreael was defeated by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. and all the people were led way to what is now Iraq. The 12 tribes were just a fantasy that wouldn't die.

  • mP


    LOL, there were really only 2 tribes left during the period that most of the Bible was written anyway.... the 10 tribe kingdom of Isreael was defeated by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. and all the people were led way to what is now Iraq. The 12 tribes were just a fantasy that wouldn't die.


    Yes, which adds to the absurdity i originally mentioned where the BIble insists there are 12 tribes, even though 10 are lost. If i recall correctly the NT says there are 12 disciples to rule the 12 tribes.

  • ProdigalSon

    mP:Yes its obvious that Mathematics is the language of the universe. My original question was about the fact that some numbers seem to appear out of proportion and completely unrelated to the subject. Theres no mathematical reason why there has to be 12 tribes of israel.

    Well Pisano, I'd have to disagree with that one. The Bible is obsessed with twelve for good reason. We're a microcosm of the Macroscosm, and there are twelve signs of the Zodiac, which, according to Josephus, was inlaid in the floor of the Second Temple... we are RULED by the cosmos. And our TWELVE CHAKRAS are the interface between it and us (the five middle chakras have front and rear openings, making twelve).

    Additionally, that "junk DNA" contains an additional 10 strands.... those "lost" 10 tribes destined to be reactivated and re-united with the two that are still working. Hence the woman in Revelation is depicted with 12 diadems around her head.

    Aside from that, I've come across more than a few research articles about the number system that's used out there in the Universe, and it ain't decimal... it's BASE 12

    Also look into 144,000 as the number of harmonic resonance.....

  • EntirelyPossible

    Aside from that, I've come across more than a few research articles

    Oh? Do share.

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