Question for elders about MEMORIAL EMBLEMS...

by Alfred 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alfred

    What is done with the bread and the wine after the conclusion of the Memorial?

    Is it normally tossed in the trash and poured down the drain?

    If so, wouldn't that be simbolic of throwing Jesus' body in the trash and pouring his blood into the sewer?

  • Sapphy

    The unleavened bread is usually thrown away, but I've seen the red wine being poured back into the bottle to be drunk later many times.

  • designs

    No Witness will throw away good wine.

  • cofty

    The year I gave the memorial talk I drank the wine at home later.

    Remember JWs believe the bread and wine are only symbols and have no intrinsic value. Catholics get a bit touchy about what happens to the crackers.

    "PZ Myers Crackergate"

  • Kristina1972

    .... so the witnesses sit as the emblems are passed and refuse the bread and wine.

    Sound like they are saying they don't accept Christ as their savior.

  • designs

    Actually it has nothing to do with rejecting Jesus its just they way Rutherford and Franz envisioned the Priestly class and the wood chuckers.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    A little smoked salmon with some creme fraiche on the crackers would be nice

  • dgp

    So, in the end, you can be sure that someone NOT OF THE ANOINTED drinks the wine anyways; it's just not done publicly.

  • cantleave

    My friend and I used to guzzle the wine. The crackers were made by some old biddy in the congregation, only fit for the bin.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I knew more then one year a few would go in the back and drink it.... and the bread just doesn't taste like much. I made it a few years

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