College and the Watchtower: Remember One Thing

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    If any of you lurkers listen to a rant by the Society against college, remember one thing:

    The brother giving the talk is probably an utter hypocrite.

    There are a few exceptions but consider that many elders are financially secure - which allows them to be elders. While they talk about not planning for the future because Armageddon 'is so close', they have pensions, IRA's, Roth accounts and investments. Some of them have college educations. You think the Governing Body has to worry about having a job or place to live? unlike the long term Bethelites they dumped into the worst labor market in 60 years?

    More than that, the Circuit Overseers are hypocrites and liars because they may have confidential accounts set aside by the Watchtower for retirement AND THEY HAVE PAID HEALTH INSURANCE WHICH MANY PIONEERS AND ELDERS CANNOT AFFORD. If 'the Lord provides' is good enough for them, why do Circuit Overseers need more than Divine help?

    Make no mistake, I don't begrudge pensions or insurance for anyone but the lies and hypocrisy about careers are disgusting.


  • EmptyInside

    I couldn't agree more with you.

  • EmptyInside

    One thing I never understood,is what is the difference of one going to school for four more years,vs. going straight to work.

    Yes,they want everyone to be pioneers,but it doesn't work out that way. I've never heard of someone looked down upon for working full-time after high school. Maybe some are,I don't know.

    But,really,what is the difference?

    Why not train for a career that a person would really love. I know college isn't for everyone. And some manage well with a high school diploma or trade. I didn't go to college myself,but only because,it was strongly discouraged. And in my congregation it was really looked down upon and you and your family were unofficially marked.

  • MeanMrMustard


    " But,really,what is the difference? "

    In college, you tend to learn that the WTB&TS is full of bull shit. It's not really about field service time, pioneering, etc. They just want to keep a grip on the minds of as many as possible. College = leaving the WT.


  • snare&racket

    I was a pioneer and a bethelite, but now at an older age have returned to education. I hope to encourage people to do it also as there is a REASON they hate education so much... it holds a light to their lies and trickery...

    Please check out my brand new blog and support it if you can xx

    Follow it i think I mean (im new to the blogging world!)


  • blondie

    It is amazing that all education past the basic required by law is evil.

    *** w84 10/1 p. 17 par. 11 Remain “Without Spot From the World” ***

    For that matter, some who go to trade schools can become so immersed in a profession that they no longer have much time to spend in the service of Jehovah.

    OR NOT

    *** km 4/99 p. 8 par. 3 “What Should I Do?” ***

    A university degree does not guarantee success in the job market. As an alternative, many have acquired marketable job skills by means of apprenticeship programs, some vocational or technical school education, or short-term college courses that require a minimum of time and involvement.

  • snare&racket

    "..many have acquired marketable job skills by means of apprenticeship programs, some vocational or technical school education, or short-term college courses that require a minimum of time and involvement."

    How far removed from reality can you be, these shit jobs require the MOST time and INVOLVMENT if you wish to live from them!

    Doug Standhope called college "The place where dreams are narrowed down.... sooooo, plumber, joiner or painter?!"

    To think that JW's actually feel this is success is ridiculous! If a JW gets a trade he is considered special ! In real life, these people are at the bottom of the ladder (no offence I did all those bum jobs too).

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    While Snare&Racket, MD sounds really prestigious, what about:

    John Smith, WW (window washer)

    Brian Johnson, RP (residential plumber)

    Steven Alexander, FW (floor waxer)

    Tom Peterson, MO (mop operator)

    Earl Davis, PD (Pizza Delivery)

    See, no need to go to college...

  • Gayle

    In times past, if kids went to college, they may more quickly had become independent thinkers and could critique good reading material. With this past experiences the GB and WTS leadership felt threatened with this form of successful leaving. Thus, the policy of anti-college by the WTS goes back many years ago.

    Now, thankfully the young JWs even without college, with abundant free knowledge via Internet, can learn quite a bit of knowledge. Research is available even to the almost poor if they want. They, too, now can become independent and free thinkers and possibly go to college later. Now, the WTS has an anti-Internet policy.

    Smart religions, right or wrong, encourage their kids to get jobs, thru college etc. so their church donations will be more. The WTS would do the same, to get more donations, however, the JW kids learn there is no need for WT thinking any more at all. Thankfully, about 67% of their youth leave.

  • snare&racket

    LOL YB x I have no interest in the status of education, it is not about the job or the money, I have said this over and over again! These jobs however do not broaden your mind or teach you to critically appraise information. They dont inform you about the wonder of the universe or inspire you to contribute to the worlds knowledge base. It is simply manual work work for very little pay. I know because I did it! The UN has JW's as the most uneducated and least paid demographic of all religious people! That is a shocking statement and one that makes me very sad. There is an obvious correlation.

    Do I have a clue what I am talking about? Who cares? But, had I got letters after my name for previous jobs whilst pioneering and alike I would look something like this....

    Snare&Racket WW, RP, FW, MO, PD (though it was papers not pizzas)

    We can also add Painter & Decorator, Farmer, Music Teacher, IT technician, Scaffolder, Roofer and General Dogsbody Builder....

    Now have a guess at which of all my jobs proved most fulfilling and rewarding, not to mention enjoyable and inspiring? I'll give you a clue, it begins with Med....

    P.s. It is not an M.D it is an MBBCH ( Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) and since nobody has brought up status and prestige why did you? It is irrelevant! Why cant people be proud for doing well, It only takes 9 years of total slog to get there !

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