What do the Witnesses say about this...???
by Bells 12 Replies latest social current
I would say that the light is soo bright that you cant see a thing! lol
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Bells; IE9 doesn't work on the forum very well,, you may want to try posting using Firefox or Chrome.
Thank you Talesin - I thought I was going mad!!!! Have now downloaded Chrome :)
I will try again:
So, there are many things that the witnesses believe in that absolutely baffles me, however, the whole human-ish fossil thing is probably number 1.
On the front page of last weeks Sydney morning Herald Newspaper was this: http://www.smh.com.au/world/science/lost-for-11500-years--another-part-of-the-family-20120314-1v3r7.html
If you can't be bothered to read the article - it is basically about a skeleton found that they date back to around 11 500 years ago, which is not quite the same shame as humans today, but closer to human than any other species.
Ok, I get that the Witnesses don't trust carbon dating 100% - though even so - how many different human-ish remains can be found that are said to be older than 7000 years before you have to stop and think that maybe the whole Genesis thing isn’t totally right? And where do these not-quite-animal-not-quite-human fossils fit in anyway? Adam and Ever were created as whole, proper ‘modern day humans’ – weren’t they?
Anyway, the point of this thread is not to make the point that they are idiots for believing what they believe - each to their own and all of that - though I just want to know what their response to the whole cave man thing is? In particularly in regards to the many actual remains. I am really curious - I would ask my in-laws, but don't want to 'start something'. If I was to ask them though, what would be their response? I'm guessing there is one across the board? How do they continue to say that creation is absolute fact and humans have only been on the each for 7000 or so years...???
If you are or were a Witness - did anyone ever ask you this? What was your response..??
y/w, but as regards the question, I have been out so long that I can't help with that!
Black Sheep
The Bible is the innerant word of god, therefore anything that contradicts it must be in error.
Now, stop reading worldly articles and prepare for Family Night
Black Sheep just about sums it up, they are almost as silly as young earth creationists. Their attitude is that science must be wrong.
They question carbon dating, which is reliable up to 16,000 years , then needs a correction in the calculation, if I remember correctly, but usually, because they are not mentioned in the oh so scientific WT and AWk rags, they are not aware of the other methods of dating , which are more often than not used in conjunction with carbon dating.
As with everything that puts their beliefs in question, they ignore the evidence.