GB member gets pulled over...

by Alfred 10 Replies latest social humour

  • Alfred

    So one day a Governing Body member got pulled over on Interstate 95 for erratic driving (frequent lane changes, slowing down, speeding up, etc.). Immediately, the highway patrolman asks to see the GB member’s driver’s license. The GB member happily obliges and hands over his worn out New York State driver’s license. The patrolman takes off his sunglasses and attempts to read the date of birth but then decides to simply ask the GB member directly… “I can’t make this out. What’s your date of birth?” asked the patrolman as he tried to read the other information on the driver’s license. “Why, evidently, my date of birth is April 2, 1918.” To this the patrolman asks: “Evidently? What do you mean evidently?” The GB member responds: “Well it’s really not that simple. You see, Jehovah reveals things in his own due time.” The patrolman takes a deep breath in an attempt to inhale some patience from the foul air and then says: “Sir, I’m not playing games here. What is your date of birth?” To this the GB member responds: “Why evidently, it’s May 3, 1919.” The patrolman immediately snaps: “Sir, I’m not going to ask you again! What is your f**cking date of birth?” The GB member replies: “Officer, I told you already! Evidently, it’s June 4, 1920!!!”.

    “That’s it. You’ve left me no other option. I’m placing you under arrest for obstruction of justice” said the patrolman as he pulls out his handcuffs. “Is this really necessary officer? Why can’t you simply accept that the light gets brighter?” asked the GB member. To this the officer responds: “I don’t understand why you couldn’t simply tell me the truth from the beginning.” The GB member explains: “Officer, I did tell you the truth. Each time you asked me, I gave you the Present Truth on the matter. You see, The Truth never changes… our current UNDERSTANDING of the truth is what might change from time to time. But if you read Proverbs 4:18 you’ll notice that this is Biblical.” The patrolman then asked: “What about my placing you under arrest for being a wise ass? Is that Biblical also?” The GB member’s face lights up with a huge grin and he responds: “Well of course it’s Biblical. That’s persecution! Just read Matthew 10:22 and you’ll see what I mean. This proves that I’m right and you’re wrong”. The patrolman then asked: “What exactly were you right about you f**king idiot? Your story keeps changing and you keep giving me some gibberish about changing light and current understanding.”

    The GB member calmly responds: “Don’t get upset officer. Just wait on Jehovah like it says in Micah 7:7 and he will let you know everything you need to know in due time. Now please take me to jail so I can use this experience in the next District Assembly to prove that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.”

  • maninthemiddle
  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I like the fresh spin on it.

    In reality, however, the poor officer will be trying to arrest a fraction of the trust holding the incorporated body of the "theological arrangement" formally known as the Faithful and Discrete Slave......

  • 00DAD

    LMAO... hahahahahahaha!

    If only ...

  • Rabbit

    To this the officer responds: “I don’t understand why you couldn’t simply tell me the truth from the beginning.” The GB member explains: “Officer, I did tell you the truth. Each time you asked me, I gave you the Present Truth on the matter.

    No truer words have been spoken. I-I think...

  • metatron


  • DaCheech


  • sizemik

    Analogies can be so helpful can't they?

    It pisses me off that they drive so erratically and are still allowed to hold a license. Why can't they do what other crap drivers do and drive off a bridge or something?

  • dgp

    Well, every time they tell you the Present Truth, they can claim that "No truer words were ever spoken".

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    thats the funniest thing i've read for ages

    It demonstartes how ludicrous the WT is...


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