What a shame - but fortunate for the org

by Mickey mouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    As referred to in this thread, Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience, arguably the most important book for ex JWs to read - has been out of print for months but is available from Amazon at $100+.

    Internet explorer, probably the most commonly used internet browser - is not compatible with this website.

    Most young JWs probably access the internet via a smartphone but good luck trying to post to this website on one.

  • dontplaceliterature

    Part of me wonders if the WTBTS purchases copies just to keep them out of circulation....

  • ziddina

    Well, the borg is in the publishing business, and knows the 'ins & outs' of the industry...

    Which publishing company was printing Ray Franz' books? And has anyone contacted them to find out when the next print of his books is scheduled???

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Internet explorer, probably the most commonly used internet browser - is not compatible with this website.

    I'm still on IE4 and have no problems whatever.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have found IE using the compatability button is the only one which works properly for me.

    I like Safari best which is way faster than IE and is fine for lurking and basic replies here but any links posted won't be clickable.

  • ziddina

    This listing of websites shows a bizarre disparity between the prices for "Crisis of Conscience"...

    http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Ray+Franz+%22Crisis+of+Conscience%22&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&oe=utf8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11752724358649410388 #

    And you can purchase a PDF download of "Crisis of Conscience" for $7.95 from this website - which is the press company started by Ray Franz...


    It also has "In Search Of Christian Freedom" PDF download for $9.95...

  • jwfacts

    If the publishing company won't do another release, I wonder if it would be possible to get the rights to do vanity printing of the book.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Update: Due to the recent passing of Commentary Press founder Raymond Franz, the Commentary Press eStore is temporarily suspending shipments of hardbound and softbound publications as we go through a restructuring.
    In the meantime, downloadable PDF versions of select titles remain available for purchase through the eStore. Hardbound and softbound editions of many Commentary Press titles may continue to be purchased from a retailer such as Amazon.com


  • DesirousOfChange

    It's been released on pdf.

    That means it's available as a torrent download.

    Pirate Bay or Kick Ass Torrents.


  • Miles3

    pdf don't always cut it though. When you want to help a friend or family member, it's not possible when they don't have an ebook reader. Not many people would spend hours reading a book on a computer, and when it's about goading a Witness to read "apostate" litterature, you also have to deal with their distrust of anything from the internet or anything obtained electronically (even when self-printed from it). With a book, you can lend it, send it by the post, let it near their bed or in the living room, even conveniently read it in front of them in the car.

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