Did you have a Service partner who would stand in front of a house after placing something and write the whole history of the call down eeesh that was embarrassing
I remember how I always preferred working alone door to door
by gubberningbody 17 Replies latest jw friends
fortis et liber
Designs, yes, I remember that and also remember cringing over it too. What I dreaded the most was being forced as a teenager to work, with my mother, in a neighborhood filled with non-JW classmates. My mother paid special attention to enunciating our last name and, if a 'younger' householder was at the door or within earshot, she would specifically ask, "perhaps you know my daugther, Fortis?" I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. ::shudder::
~ Fortis
Didnt make too much of a difference, i really disliked bugging people on a saturday morning. But in general i did prefer FS by myself as i would just talk about a point of local interest and not bother to place literature unless they asked for it. Even back then i felt the Bible was enough without need for too much explanation. Im so glad every Saturday morning when i wake up at 10 that im not doing that waste of time.
I Albuquerque we were STRONGLY discouraged from working alone. I guess because of all the serial rapists who wait for women to knock on their doors. I being a larger sized male would not encourage such behavior so I just went alone many times. Nothing like showing up for service while aux pioneering and no one else joins you! I would actually knock and make may sales pitch too.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
I work six days a week and won't give up Sunday afternoon, the only time I have off, so I say I informal witness (alone) to get time enough to stay "active"; by doing this I avoid going door-to-door all but maybe twice a year.
Not only do I not want to spread their lies, but also I hate being bothered at home, so I don't want to bother anyone else the same way.
It depended on who the partner was. One MS and I would pretend to knock on doors while we discussed where we'd go for breakfast, and which bar we'd go to afterward. Once that was decided, we'd leave the group so we could do our "return visits".
fortis- Running into Classmates was the worse, I'm going to curl up in the fetal position now, oh the flashbacks!
hemp lover
" I'd just stand at the door and not knock on it or ring it. If someone came, I'd make a presentation - "Here's your tract!". Otherwise I'd just wait a couple of minutes and then go to the next door and not knock."
Me, too! I auxiliary pioneered for four months when I was a teenager without once talking to anyone.
Witnesses come to my door now about three times a year and I can't remember the last time any of them knocked or rang the bell. If my dogs didn't bark, I'd never know they were there.