Every year i attend, missing only 5 in 50 years.
I do not attend meetings nor active in anyway, My family shun me,(all devote believers) but i do feel drawn to attend each year. I am out for sure, but i no longer have faith, or a belief in any religous body as being approved by GOD.
I am so screwed up now i not sure if i believe in a Creator!, let alone who or what that may be.
I was born into the truth, married into the truth and my ex is devote.
I could NEVER return to the CULT now seeing it for what it is.
I served, donated, slaved for years happy to do so as has all my family.
I went out of my way to get DF, sort of a wanting to die act, of rejecting the society.
I used to sit in a movie in my youth and think, wow i am so lucky, all these people are going to die and i will live forever.
Even just typing this gives release to my emotions,, lol,,, yea i have many emotions,,, many regrets, Basically the organisation i followed and the instructions destroyed my life in every possible way.
The power plays that i witnessed within are what first woke me up,,,at first i let it go, forgiving those involved as brothers do. but again and again power and position is and was the thing to have, you got the power you got everything. Other Elders Blatantly lying in a JCM, asking depely intimate sexual questions of people, it just got to the point i had had enough. How could i preach and teach others when i knew in my heart things were not true!. I couldnt.
But i still attend the memorial,,,, for the life of me i cannot answer why i do!.
Am I CRAZY?.....