Remarrying, then paradise =problem?

by Inisc 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I know several JW's who are still married to each other but live apart.

    The big problem for them is not if ONE dies before the big A, but if NEITHER of them die. They are stuck with each other forever.


  • renderme

    This is a question I have been asking a lot too. In 1Cor 15 there is a long explanation about what the resurrected body will be, but it's still confusing! In that chapter in verse 49 it says "And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear ALSO the image of the heavenly one" I think humans will be a mix of our physical bodies, but transformed like the transformed physical body Jesus had after he was resurrected and appeared before his disciples before going to Heaven. Jesus was the only example of a human resurrected to perfection, so maybe we will be like that.

    If you think about Adam and Eve...Eve was created as a companion for Adam..they were both perfect beings in the garden and there was no mention at all of them doing the dirty in Eden. It wasn't until they sinned and were tossed out of Eden that the mention of Eve lusting after Adam and bearing his kids was mentioned...maybe those resurrected just wont have the same physical sexual desires for their former spouses? We can speculate any scenario really...we just can't know what is in store for us until it happens I guess.

  • Morbidzbaby

    @renderme~ Welcome to the forum. It's become clear that all the Watchtower CAN do is speculate. My personal belief is that Jesus was speaking of the heavenly resurrection and not an earthly one. Your scenario of Adam and Eve doesn't make sense...simply because it seems they would have HAD to sin in order to feel "lustful" and bear children. Therefore, that makes Jehovah an unloving god who set them up for failure. He told them to "fill the earth and subdue it", yet if they didn't have sexual desires before being ousted from the Garden of Eden, then he was COUNTING on their failure in order for them to accomplish the task he set before them. Thus, we were never MEANT to be perfect, and therefore Paradise was not part of god's original plan, nor is the "Issue of Sovereignty" the REAL issue at play. So, when you consider Watchtower theology against your scenario, the two don't mesh.

    As for 1 Corinthians, well... To be honest, that reads just as you read it. So it speaks of a heavenly resurrection. There is no in-between. The last creatures who were claimed to have come from a combination of human and the supernatural...were Nephilim. And we all know what supposedly happened to them.

    Again, welcome... Stick around, there are lots of topics and brain-picking that go on here. I've learned quite a lot in my time here.

  • renderme

    Hi Morbidzbaby..thanks for the welcome. Good points!


  • nugget

    it is seeking to make sense of nonsense. The witness paradigm is flawed in so many ways. The paradise could be a living hell for those who lost loved ones but are condemned to be forever appart since the resurrected one is no longer their spouse and will not marry. It would be torture for those who gave up children but died before the end still will never have them. It will be misery for everyone with judmental elders still being judgemental and controlling everyone.

  • snakeface

    I think we have to examine this from each person's viewpoint: the viewpoint of the dead-then-resurrected person, the viewpoint of the surviving spouse, and the viewpoint of the new spouse. And based on the assumption that the original couple loved each other and wanted to be together forever, as opposed to one or both wanting out of the marriage anyway. Also, assuming that this whole teaching is true as taught by the JWs.

    Would I want my wife to wait for me after my death, and be alone for the rest of this system? Or would I want her to move on and find someone new, someone who could give her the love she still deserves and that I'd not be able to give her anymore? Someone who could take her to all the places she likes to go. I would not want her to stay home crying and being alone. I would not want her to become an old spinster. I'd want her to heal after grieving and to continue to have a happy life. When I'd wake up in the resurrection I'd be interested in finding out how she coped and adjusted, if she made it OK. I'd even be thankful that the new man did take care of her and bring her comfort and happiness. After all, I couldn't have done so once I had died.

    If I were the surviving spouse....I would grieve of course. But would I want to be alone for the rest of this sytem? Or would I want a companion, to help fill the now empty place in my heart. Perhaps the new woman would also be grieving over her late husband. She and I could help each other to go on. I wouldn't be replacing him and she wouldn't be looking for a replacement. We would be simply picking up the pieces and continuing with our lives, together. I would be thinking, "What I'm doing for her is what I'd want another man to do for my 1st wife if I had died and left her behind."

  • blondie

    The WTS teaches now (and for some time) that jws that survive through Armageddon will stay married to their current jw spouses and single jws who live through that time will be able to marry other single jw survivors. But no marriage in heaven or for resurrected humans.

  • awaken2004

    Hmm . . . If I was still a JW and married to someone I truly loved then I would make sure my new husband (if I chose to remarry) would be okay with me ditching him after armageddon. LOL

    Crazy Jdubs! It is hard to believe I was ever one.

  • ziddina

    Lost Generation [post #1262 on page #1] described the "official" Watchtower teaching fairly well...

    That was the last straw for me. When I was still 'in', the ratio of single, eligible women to men was around 10 to 1 - and the men knew it, too...

    So, I was hoping to marry Sampson - I figured, after a beeyotch like Delilah, I'd look pretty good to the guy - but then the Watchtower totally killed THAT hope, too... And the brother giving the talk, expressing their bizarre belief that people resurrected to FLESH ON EARTH would be like "angels in heaven", was so SMUG and arrogant about it - he GLOATED as he explained that most JW women wouldn't have the chance to marry!!!

    I went right out and joined a "worldly" dating service within a month of that talk - and that was close to my exit...

  • ziddina

    mmmm, forgot to say...


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