Isn't it funny / curious that people are always afraid of what Satan will or will not do, when, in the end, it's Jehovah of the Armies that will annihilate you at Armageddon?
Why fear Satan, if Jehovah is the one who will send Armageddon to annihilate you?
by dgp 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because Armageddon is just a place. The place where Satan deceives and leads people against the people who belong to Christ and God. Fire comes down from heaven and devours those who come to destroy.
Satan is just a scapegoat. Jehovah is really the bad guy. Isaiah 45:7.
You say Armageddon is just a place where Satan deceives and leads people against those who belong to Christ and God ? So are you saying Satan has blinded the Arab world ? the Islamic world ? those of mainland China ? Pakistan ? India ? Indonesia , Etc.? and he is going to destroy all of these people ? Oh and lets not forget the Jews not only in Israel ,but scattered all over the earth.
Armageddon is the place where the battle happens.
Satan deceives people (this is long after Christ has returned for those who belong to Him, if we're speaking of Armageddon) and leads them to come against the 'sheep'. Those who belong to Christ. (and those people are from every nation, tribe and tongue... and just because someone does not know Christ does not mean that He does not know them... "he who does the will of my father in heaven is my mother, brother, sister")
As for who will march to destroy those people... it won't all be of one nation. Because those who belong to Christ - who come through the tribulation (as seen in revelations - the great crowd that the wts define wrong) - are from every nation, tribe, people and tongue. It is what is within the people; not what group they belong to, or culture, or heritage.
God protects those people from the ones who ride out to destroy them.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Yeah, why fear Satan if he's giving us higher education, a better standard of living, and we can do whatever we want in the bedroom?
What is Satan anyways? Nothing more than out would-be savior! Satan tried to save us from Jehovah's tyranny. Satan is trying to help us to become independent from religion.
Now, compare to God. Who is it that had to resort to destroying all vestiges of past religions? Jehovah! He had the Israelites wipe out clean religious practices of "pagan" nations (and I am not using "pagan" to mean derogatory--it is anything but). Why? So he could corrupt them to prevent anyone from reinstating them, and use the corrupt version to enslave mankind after Satan has gone through the work of trying to liberate us. This practice did not end when the Jewish system ended--Christi-SCAM-ity picked up the ball by Inquisitions, missionary work in the whole world, infiltrating and corrupting all indigenous religious practices, and threatening and torturing people who could put the pieces back together. Today, with the truth all but obliterated (that is Jehovah's fault, not Satan's), Jehovah is trying to spread enslavement via another religious Dark Ages. This is worse than anything the Rothschilds could ever do--even Agenda 21+ would not be as bad as a Jehovah-themed Dark Ages.
Notice that it is Jehovah (Allah is nearly as bad, too--so Muslims are not that much better off) that restricts and dirtifies sex, tries to get people wasting their time in repetitive sermons that do nothing about world problems, and wants people to do missionary work in Nigeria and other third-world countries. (Never nice places like London, Madrid, Paris, Auckland, New York City, or Sydney. Always nasty places like rural Mexico, Lagos, Nairobi, and the worst parts of Central and South America.) "Turn the other cheek"--means allowing yourself to be attacked, without fighting back--and the attacker feels free to attack someone else when, if you did "eye for eye", they would think twice. Even things like white magic (the kind of magic that is used for personal benefit or to benefit others, without causing harm) are banned by Christi-SCAM-ity, keeping power in Jehovah's greedy paws.
And, has anyone else noticed that churches, even in very poor regions, seem to be decked to the hilt with gold, silver, and precious stones while people's homes are miserable? People walk 10 or more kilometers one way in bare feet, in blistering heat or freezing cold, struggling to make their own ends meet, just to attend a church (or Kingdumb Hell--they are far from exempt) only to find out that the church building is decked to the hilt or their Kingdumb Hell fund is being bled to headquarters. Then they are expected to donate more, despite personal hardships. The rule "Never EVER donate to a church beyond your means" is never implemented, even on a voluntary basis. This is not Satan's workmanship but Jehovah's.
Yep, we have a lot to thank Satan for. If he hadn’t persuaded Eve to pick the fruit from the ‘tree of knowledge’ Adam & Eve would still be morons, as would all their descendants; and snakes would still be walking around on legs, or hopping along on their tails, or whatever they did before God told them to ‘crawl on their bellies’, so all the reptiles are happier too.
Me Myself and I
@WTWizard.....your a brave man going against the creator of the universe with your words, it appears you have truly been blinded by "the one who appears as light" To give any credit to gods biggest enemy is just disgusting.
My role model is Jesus Christ who told me how to live, not that I get anyway near that mark I hasten to add. I dont understand many things about God and the bible, but I do know that I am very priviledged to have tasted life and I owe that to the one who made me.
I do not fear any fictional characters, Satan and Jehovah included, I like some of them more than others though, and Satan comes across as a fun guy.