I like hairy women with big forearms and a nice gut.
Attracted To What Types?
by gilwarrior 29 Replies latest social relationships
I don't know why but I love beards, neatly trimmed and manly physical men. But he has to be intelligent and keep up with me. Not that I'm all that smart but I think fast and too much. Fortunately, I have one of those right here, my husband, but without the beard since you know what.I also tend to be more attracted to European men.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again when it doesn't work.
LOL@cool Breeze
LOL! Anton, dont you think you're being kind of picky??!
As far as what physically attracts me.....well, I love the tall dark and handsome ones! I have never been big on blonds altho' I almost married one once. And since I am 5'9" it really appeals to me to be with a man who is taller than me, I guess it makes me feel small and feminine. I am not that fussy about weight as long as they generally take care of themselves. And I have a wide margin in determining what is handsome....I go more for the rugged, slightly imperfect, (not Brad Pitt, or classically beautiful guys)gorgeous guys.
I love a great smile and eyes....oh yes, the eyes are a real focal point for me! Skeptic has what I call "bedroom eyes" and I just melt when he looks at me!Qualities I fall for everytime would be things like a wonderful sense of humour; I love to laugh and have a great time when were together, even if it is just a trip to the grocery store.
I love and couldnt do without a man with a good head on his shoulders and isnt afraid to be responsible, dependable. A man with a good social conscience. And by far, THE most important thing would be for my guy to be intelligent; love to read and discuss any number of topics and be comfortable enough in who he is that we can disagree in our conclusions and argue our viewpoints without worrying that one of us is taking it personally. Someone who makes me feel like my points are valid, even when he doesnt necessarily agree with me.I guess those are the biggies for me.
JoelBear: *LOL*! You always manage to twist these sexy topics to suit you somehow!
What am I looking for? Someone without Y chromosomes and a pulse pretty much sums it up!
Hehe, just kidding!
What I really like in a woman is femininity - little things, like the way she moves, the way she brushes her hair away from her face, having nice soft skin. All of these are a far bigger turn on than the usual big tits and nice ass. I don't even particularly like huge breasts - I prefer ones that are sized in a good proportion to the rest of the body. Same goes for the rear!
Also, women with rusty (can't describe it any other way!) voices are my ultimate turn-on. Wow. I just get so antsy when I hear someone with a voice like that...
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
I know what you mean wind rider..5'10 here..Feels nice to look up sometimes.....LOL
Hi KissAFish, so you can relate, huh?
I used to think being short was the way to go because then you could date either tall OR short guys, but when you are tall the shorter guys are usually intimidated by your height....Oh well, now I kind of like being tall and longlegged.
Windrider, who loves to wear high heels
I'm attracted to the strong, violent types.
I've always been attracted to the needy type with good legal connections.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On