Not fearing Armageddon

by tec 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    The whole Biblical ideas of redemption to some unknown entity seem to be irrelevent now, I used to be afraid of the unknown, now I'm just scared of not achieving any kind of lasting legacy, thankfully I've got three lovely kids who may understand some of the secrets of everything, unfortunately Christianity and all religions for me, just seem to be about power and control, sorry tec, but you seem to be a lovely supportive person but your ideas of the Bible seem to me to be wishing at the best.

    Hey but who am to judge, if it works for you, great, but lets not preach!


    Star Tiger

  • tec

    I've got three lovely kids who may understand some of the secrets of everything

    Yes, they all tend to do that, don't they?

    As for religion, I agree, much of it is about power and control. Christ and God are about serving though. Religions rarely reflect the image of God. That is what Christ is for. I understand what you are seeing from religion though.

    Peace to you,


  • WTWizard

    I have nothing to fear about Armageddon. As the whole of the Judeo-Christian system was plagiarized from astrology, I believe the end of the world simply was an intentional mistranslation (by the Catholic church, more likely than not) of "the end of this age". Thus, Armageddon is simply the progression from the Age of Pisces (which we are still in, barely) to the Age of Aquarius. I expect us to be fully in Aquarius around 2150, but I see signs already that it is transitioning. For one, much of what I put on this forum about Christianity would never be tolerated near the zenith of the Age of Pisces. Posting those things as recently as the 1950s could be "blasphemy". These days, more people are realizing that Christianity itself is as likely as not blasphemy, and there are videos everywhere exposing the lie. By the year 2250 or so, anyone posting pro-Christian material would likely see the public's wrath as Aquarius is fully implemented.

    As such, there is nothing to fear. I, personally, felt the calling of the Age of Aquarius in the fall of 1972, wanting nothing further to do with Christianity. That was like a mild late-winter day that forbears spring. As spring gets closer, it warms up more often, until it is consistently warm. As with this change of seasons, it is not abrupt. You don't wake up one day to find Christianity gone--I expect it to phase out more and more during the next 150 years or so. And that is all Armageddon is really about--for sure, nothing to be afraid of.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I don't fear Armageddon

  • flipper

    TEC- You mentioned you have " learned there is a peace and calm and quiet surety that comes with this kind of understanding. " I get that as well. I get the same " peace and calm " with my understanding when I realize that Armageddon is an unreality , a myth, used by MANY religions ( including Witnesses ) to control their members through fear and guilt. It's a marketing tool that religions and cults have used for years, funny NO Armageddon's ever come yet.

    I have a tremendous amount of " peace & calm " in my life due to realizing these facts I have gained from MY understanding of this. I guess we all get our own peace & understanding in our own ways

  • Shanagirl

    I do not fear "Armegeddon" I don't even fear the "2012" predictions. I believe there are other realms and planes we haven't yet experienced, and that "True God" and his Christ will always wrap us in their light. Shana

  • Joliette

    I dont fear an 'armageddon' because I know there is no such thing as an armageddon.

    Wish my family would just understand that.

  • Joliette

    And I dont fear 2012 either. People are gonna be in for a surprise when its 2034 and we are still here.

  • DJPoetech
  • mrquik

    When is Armageddon? I don't want to pay for a full year of HBO if I don't have to.

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