I have nothing to fear about Armageddon. As the whole of the Judeo-Christian system was plagiarized from astrology, I believe the end of the world simply was an intentional mistranslation (by the Catholic church, more likely than not) of "the end of this age". Thus, Armageddon is simply the progression from the Age of Pisces (which we are still in, barely) to the Age of Aquarius. I expect us to be fully in Aquarius around 2150, but I see signs already that it is transitioning. For one, much of what I put on this forum about Christianity would never be tolerated near the zenith of the Age of Pisces. Posting those things as recently as the 1950s could be "blasphemy". These days, more people are realizing that Christianity itself is as likely as not blasphemy, and there are videos everywhere exposing the lie. By the year 2250 or so, anyone posting pro-Christian material would likely see the public's wrath as Aquarius is fully implemented.
As such, there is nothing to fear. I, personally, felt the calling of the Age of Aquarius in the fall of 1972, wanting nothing further to do with Christianity. That was like a mild late-winter day that forbears spring. As spring gets closer, it warms up more often, until it is consistently warm. As with this change of seasons, it is not abrupt. You don't wake up one day to find Christianity gone--I expect it to phase out more and more during the next 150 years or so. And that is all Armageddon is really about--for sure, nothing to be afraid of.