I agree with a fellow who said "Bigfoot IS blurry. That's why in all the pictures you see of him you can't make him out."
There's nothing scarier than the thought of a huge, out of focus monster running around in the woods! Anyway, I think if they do exist, they are a lot smarter than they get credit for. They seem to have a social structure that's similar to other apes. Day and night, they may have 'sentinels' that roam the perimeters of their family to warn of danger. They communicate vocally, and can signal their presence from miles away with hoops, hollers, screams and yells. They knock big sticks on trees to tell their buddies where they are, or to warn them. It's likely they are omnivores. Eating meat whenever they get ahold of a deer or elk. Eating fruit, nuts, vegetation and grubworms may keep him going when they can't get any deer. In their younger days when they were little they could swing in the trees and have so much fun! But sadly, as the little Sasquatches grew up and got so freakin' big and tall, they could no longer do that anymore and will often reminisce about when they were little swingers.
Just say anything...
by TimeBandit 10 Replies latest social humour
Bon Jovi Witness..
still thinking
so is the loch ness monster...seems to be a problem with these very large creatures...
TIME BANDIT- Bigfoot rocks ! Here are some footprint pictures my son and I got a few years ago. Plus we have some from last October. I'll post them for you. I've heard Bigfoot's roar , been within 60 feet of one, felt and heard the bi-pedal heavy stepping , and heard it grunt and say unintelligible babble. My son and I couldn't determine if he or she was trying to have a bowel movement - or just say to us " whas up ? " Anyway, here forthcoming are some pictures
TIME BANDIT- Here is another good Squatch footprint photo. Here is a print from my son and my trip in October .
And yet another footprint from the October trip.
That's totally awesome Mr. Flipper! I actually beleive they exist. But it's fun to goof around about it too.
TIME BANDIT- I thought you'd like those pics ! I believe they exist too, but I have a sense of humor about it as well. " Breast implants out of temper-Pedic material " ? Wow, that's a new one ! I'll have to ask Mrs. Flipper about that one ! LOL ! Pretty funny. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
The Supreme Court is just a regular court with sour cream and tomatoes...