by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria
    Do you consider it factual because humans have always attributed what they don't understand to a god?

    Ra is angry, the sun does not shine!!

    We need rain, Tefnut needs a sacrifice!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No...n.drew...I am not saying that you quoted the bible...I am not in any way blaming you for doing anything wrong...I am simply saying that when we get drawn in to discussing the bible we get side tracked into disproving one another. This started to happen between iceltic and yourself...but I don't see either to blame...just easy to do when we are talking about god. I do it myself, it is not a criticism.

    What I did say...was that I would like to hear more about your personal experiences and how you know god is real. It is personal experiences I am wanting to hear.

  • N.drew

    When I have been in a sad place and a very lonely place I have been led out. It is not me who has led myself out.

    The place feels like the last place I am loved and understood. I have not WANTED to leave that place. It is not I that would have led me out. So who did?

    The feeling of hope can be a powerful force to get someone out but I was hopeless so hope wasn't it. I was tired of loving but not being loved so my own love did not get me out. It was God who got me out. If it was not God, then what?

  • Berengaria

    Survival instinct

  • N.drew
    Survival instinct

    Haha! No. My dark place was my instinctive survival place. What caused my mind to change?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Berengaria...thanks for joining

    Were you ever spiritual or was it just something you went along with? If you were spiritual at some point, what made you start to question?

    As I said in my OP, it was quite a painful experience for me to TRULY realise that there WAS a possibility that god wasn't real and on call for me when I needed him....he has always been my back support person in times of need....I was grateful for him every day... BUT *theres's always a but isn't there*....If I was deluding myself, was I actually doing myself any favours? Is it better to live in a fantasy because it comforts us? I don't honestly don't know.

    I am still open to the idea that god is real, I still feel like there is something there. But what I am trying to figure out it just because I don't want to let go? or is God still calling me somehow?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    N.drew....somtimes I think that when we are at our lowest...there is no other way to go but up or give up. Clearly, you are not the type who gives up without a fight....or maybe it was God?

  • N.drew
    I am still open to the idea that god is real, I still feel like there is something there

    Maybe if you stop calling what would be your god something and start looking for someone, you might have better success.

  • Berengaria
  • N.drew

    Even after the surety is mine that God is real I still wonder if God is with me and for me. Today I sat at the ocean's edge. The light was perfect on the water. The wind was blowing. The light was dancing on the water. I felt unsure that God knew my appreciation for the best show I ever saw. I felt kind of sad.

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