The only reason the Bible has some harsh things about abortion is that Israel was a small country between big empires.
A lot of their sexual policy was around this policy that required the maximum number of kids.
- ban homosexual men because they dont father kids.
- bible doesnt care about lesbians(lesbians are never mentioned), becaues the men will just rape them anyway.
- bible condones polygamy and taking virgins from neighbours because they will have good jewish kids.
- abortions are bad because again population growth is key.
- the king needs men for his army
- the rich need more peasents to work the fields and other labours.
Most of policies appear to have changed by Jesus time simply because Rome was simply too strong, the Jews could not raid thei rneighbours, nor did they ever have a chance against might Rome.
We can see the same policy of banning abortion and birth control in the Catholic church. Its simple to see they too are also concerned with population growth for the same sorts of reasons. More kids, more workers, more money for king and church. The church is just a franchise within the kingdom to direct thought and moral ideas for money.