Photo ID Badges for Quick Builds

by metaspy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kojack57

    I worked at a lot of quick builds in the past. Really thought I was pleasing God for doing it. But you have to realise that Your a watchtower slave if you participate. The shirt you wear at those builds should say "I'm A watchtower "SUCKER"

  • metaspy

    In case anyone wanted to see the website they pointed me to - there isnt much of interest unless you have a login (which they also gave me - which turned out to be the one for my mother).

  • Quarterback

    Yes, they started requiring photos. But the real reason behind obtaining them is because they compare the photos against the University, and College Calendar photos. If your picture matches up with someone at these Higher Learning Centres, you are marked, and can't participate at a quick build. But, you are still qualified to do KH cleaning.

  • metaspy

    I don't think they have the time Quarterback to compare pictures - they would probably just compare names to the rosters. much quicker and easier on the computing power

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