I bet Burnsy is multi-orgasmic that he found a way to use "multifactorial" and "inelastic" in the same thread.
Fox News: bias anyone? (gas prices and the presidency)
by gubberningbody 40 Replies latest jw friends
Are you seriously claiming that actually realizing that increase in supply has somehow had the opposite effect?
Of course not, I've said nothing of the sort.
However, increasing supply will hold prices lower than they otherwise would be, all other factors notwithstanding. That's just basic economics.
I bet Burnsy is multi-orgasmic that he found a way to use "multifactorial" and "inelastic" in the same thread.
I'm sorry if my multiple orgasms left a bad taste in your mouth.
You walked right into that one, retardigrade.
However, increasing supply will hold prices lower than they otherwise would be, all other factors notwithstanding. That's just basic economics.
As will decreasing demand.
Cool, I'm glad you agree that Obama had nothing to do with the rise in gas prices.
Demand has fallen, at least domestically. That is what happens with a crappy economy and high unemployment.
But if there is continued pain at the pump throughout the rest of the year, you can bet the electorate is going to take a good hard look at Obama's energy policy, and he isn't going to find it helpful for his reelection chances.
So exactly what part of his energy plan is problematic? Increased fuel efficiency? Diversifying? Investment in alternatives?
Democrats will blame Republicans and Republicans will blame Democrats. If things are going well during the term of a Democratic president....Democrats will say "see? He's a good leader". Republicans will say "no....that's just the effect the good policies that were in place before he took office". And vice versa.
My honest feeling is that Washington may be beyond repair. I've never seen such partisanship. budgets, ideas and plans get shot down simply because they came from the other side.
I truly believe that if Kermit the Frog ran for president as a Republican.....a lot of Republicans would vote for him
And if Miss Piggy ran for the Democrats.......a lot of Democrats would vote for her.....all because of the label on the ticket.
Well, Fox News is yet another Rupert Murdoch, so what can you expect?