Thank you so much, all of you!
You've given me much more than I could possibly have imagined, in wonderful detail, and with prospects for futher research. Special thanks to Mickey Mouse and Rob Crompton, but actually to all of you because among those little snippets of information are gems with ideas attached to them.
Rob, I've spent a while on your blog. I am going to PM you, and also Mickey and maybe some others too. It may not be until tomorrow, as life has become very busy today...I'll maybe post a bit about that elsewhere later on.
Loz, do you remember any stories that couple told. BTW, Loz, I'm very conscious that I owe you a PM and it will come. Someitmes life takes over, and although it's easy to dip into the forum, more considered writing just doesn't always happen to order.
George, sounds as if you were a small boy at Wembley then. Any partular memories that stand out?
You may be wondering why I asked this. Well, I have just a little germ of an idea, but it's only a germ, very small, and the way my brain works is weird. The subconscious does a lot of the work but the conscious mind deals with facts and then the two work together, and it's all unplanned.
I'll let you know.
One of the best things that's happened to me since I determinedly walked away ffrom the Borg is that my creativity has begun to return, along with a growing sense of freedom. My experience of the Borg is that all creativity was stifled, almost completely.
Very busy today, not sure if I'll get back on here or not.
Thanks again everyone! I love this forum!