Wow. Just wow...
REAL life of a JW!
by Silent_Scream 42 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember Anthony Morris III from GB telling us new-boy bethelites if we don't want to lead a woman on, don't text her more than 2wice a day, otherwise, it's considered dating. And it will be held against us if we are accused of such. He said it in a non-threatening tone, but he was very serious.
Some elders will not take it so seriously, but company men will. So most people simply keeps it private.
If you read any article on Pharisees, anyone here can attest you will see the striking similarites between them and the elders/GB. (Because of the constant rule-making and nitpicking.)
I snatched off the following post from a JW website. It made me shake my head sadly.
It was in response to a article posted on the site, but it would be the perfect JW response to the original post. So glad I'm free.I've been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 30 years. It's quite apparent to me that this news article is a direct attack from none other than Satan himself. Satan is very clever and will even try to use logic and twist scriptures to get Jehovah's Witnesses to leave the organization. We have to obey the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses no matter what. Even if that means sacrificing our personal relationships with family members. My own daughter has left Jehovah's organization and as hard as it is on me I know I can't speak to her. It's caused me so much pain to shun her but it has to be done. Who am I to question the authority of the Faithful and Discreet Slave? What's crazy is that she doesn't even act like an apostate but by rejecting Jehovah's organization she has clearly chosen to be on Satan's side and will be destroyed at Armageddon. Only Jehovah's Witnesses have any scriptural hope to survive Armageddon. You're either on Satan's side or Jehovah's side. Take your pick, there's no middle ground. Considering the choice of being destroyed by Jehovah or being able to live forever in a paradise Earth, which would you chose? We can't let anyone including our own flesh and blood jeopardize our relationship with the organization. So I consider this Watchtower article about avoiding apostates to be very timely.
I'm trying to learn as much as I can about life as a JW in the UK (for obvious reasons if you read my thread!) Just trying to get my head around what all the rules are...
lisavegas420 Wow! It still suprises me...
Curious, sometimes I think JW's prefer to communicate by texts! I never had so many before mixing with them...a constant stream of texts beginning at 7.30 am!
I haven't been near them for about 7 weeks now, and they're gradually easing off. Or am I speaking too soon?
Chariklo - I get email too! I think he somehow thinks it isn't breaking the rules if he doesn't actually see me in person....
Been watching the other thread with the troll, and I am just really genuinely thankful to have found this forum. I have learned so much, and hopefully am gaining the tools required to gently extract the person I care about from being a JW (without him resenting me forever). Everyone here has been great; full of advice and the personal stories have influenced me greatly :)
CuriousUK - There are a ridiculous amounts of man-made rules, but there are MORE unwritten rules. It gives people a guide to judge you with...
1) No facial hair for men, mustaches acceptable
2) No dress slacks for sisters
3) Only earrings for sisters, no other piercings
4) Read and underline every WT before every WT study
5) Put the organization first (not actual worship of Jehovah, but anything that will contribute to the organization and their name/motives)'s endless...
So, so true!
So many lives wasted...After being raised as one, I've had enough of the carrot (Armaggedon soon rubbish) being dangled in front of me; I wish I never knew of this aweful religion and way of life. If this is what's it's supposed to be like in the new system I'd rather just die.