Thanks to JHK the letter in Spanish:
And down comes the house of cards
by Blind_Of_Lies 33 Replies latest jw friends
mind blown
Herold Camping ended up having a stroke that left him with slurred speech....true.....
I Love that we had the "strictly confidential" information before the congregations.
bats in the belfry
Q.: Is it going practice with the WTBTS to predate letters? (2 de abril de 2012)
I love the notion of handing over a paid for Kingdom Hall to "the Spanish" so that "the English" could go build a new one. "The Spanish" were a blight on our congregation as well. Our hall had been built in the late 60's and it sat on about 2 acres of land that was complete with rolling hills of grass, trees, shrubs and a gravel parking lot that seemed to be a magnet for every type of grass and weed that was native or implanted to the area.
As a congregation we took terms "cleaning the hall" and every week it was a new book study's turn to do the cleaning and yard work. We ended up doing it at least once a month, cleaning the hall and just doing the basic upkeep of the landscaping could easily take a small book study all day. We usually did it on Sundays and would end up going to meeting Sunday morning then clean and do the yard work until well... dark basically. If we could muster 2-3 lawn mowers and another 2-3 bodies to rake and trim and pull weeds and repair the above ground sprinklers that inevitably were busted by the neighborhood kids at least once a month then it would take a few hours at best.
Anyway, for about 10 years we had a Spanish group meeting in our hall. I have no idea how many publishers there were but they claimed to be a small group but I was on hand for one of their memorials and they filled every seat of our 150 seat auditorium and both of the back skools that could hold 25-30 so lets say on memorial they had 200 butts in the seats i would generously say they doubled their normal attendance for taht so lets say there was about 100 publishers that made up "the spanish group"
Anyway, They never once took a rotation on our cleaning/landscaping duties. They were not asked to contribute to our new building and they did not show up for a remodel that was funded and preformed by the English group on the hall that WE met at. That always irked me. They also helped themselves to our donation boxes in between our meetings yet because they technically were not a congregation with expenses (they used our KH for free) they were not expected to send money back east, at least that's the story i got. Anyway, the few months after they started meeting on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings. The locks on the contribution boxes were picked and we would find them inside the empty contribution boxes when we went to collect weekly. It took us a while to catch onto what they were doing, we never assumed anyone was stealing the money. We thought times were tough and donations were down, we would get the days contributions that were put in the box on Sunday after a month and a couple "tests" we figured out what was happening. Instead of calling the Spanish thieves we just upgraded from small luggage lock type locks to actual heavier duty padlocks. Those too were picked or busted. I Cannot remember exactly what they did to resolve the issue but I think in our remodel they designed the donations box to be built into the wall and then accessed from the room behind the wall. I think the theory was to make that access room locked behind a solid core door with an industrial or supposedly unpickable lock. I found it ridiculous that instead of calling them out for stealing from GOD they instead went to great length and expense to stop it.
I found it ridiculous that instead of calling them out for stealing from GOD they instead went to great length and expense to stop it.
A hidden "nanny cam" would have told them who was rifling the contribution box- Hmm, why didn't Jehoobah tell them who dunit?
Yea, I suggested a nanny cam be installed but that too was shot down. They really went out of their way to make "The Spanish" feel at home. I remember one year our memorial started at almost 10PM becuase the spanish couldnt muster enough male bodies to faclitate the memorial without shipping in brothers from local halls. So instead of those guys having to drive the hour+ back home late at night they moved ours to like 945 and let the spanish go first. That is the year I saw them fill the place up. They also refused to leave, we had scheduled ours so the spanish would have a half hour to leave before our group started showing up, but english people started showing up the parking lot was stiff full. This of course happened after an announcement was made to clear out directly after the final prayer. It was a MESS.
After all of that, when it came time for the major spring cleaning the week before the memorial... only one Spanish lady showed up with her 3 kids wanting to help. That was very nice of her. Come to find out most of us knew her because she worked in a local grocery store we all frequented. Her kids went to school with several of the english kids... and they didnt know the spanish kids were wittnesses because they celebrated every holiday and birthday that came along. Anyway she told us that the clean up date had been announced at their meetings all week and there were several families who could have been there... she and her kids were the only ones.
Actually now that I am thinking about something that happened 10+ years ago I remember that they wouldn't talk to the Spanish guys because they were afraid of being called racist. When the whole arrangement of a small group of them meeting at our hall instead of having to drive an hour to the closest Spanish congregation a couple elders pitched a fit. Their argument was that if we were going to be giving them keys to the hall the should contribute in some way for expenses and take a turn on the cleaning/outdoor maintenance once a moth. For some reason and once again the reason alludes me, maybe it was simply the small size of the group...they were exempt for doing so. One of the elders started spreading his opinion public and things got ugly, he was removed and eventually switched halls over it.
Jesuit Scholar
The letter for 2 april mentions that the announcement regarding the magazines/websites does not preclude a previous letter of February 1 regarding another announcement to be made immediately after the Special Talk.
Has anyone posted on here already or know of that one. Just curious.
Amelia Ashton
Does any other person or organisation post date letters?