Ronin's expression after farting --- classic! hahahaha!!
great pics, everyone!
by Low-Key Lysmith 47 Replies latest jw friends
Ronin's expression after farting --- classic! hahahaha!!
great pics, everyone!
Darth Gussy, Dark Lord of the Dog Park:
trying to post a pic using photobucket
Halloween 2011
This is Itachi. He picked my beautiful wife when we visited the local SPCA seeking a new kitty. We think he is a Turkish Van.
This is Sasuske (Pronunced...SAHS'KAY) This little guy was a feral cat we rescued as a kitten from the harsh elements. Our son named both Itachi and Sasuske after characters from the anime show, Naruto. LMAO!!
This awesome cat was named Charlie Brown. We rescued him from a neighbor's abusive boyfriend. He was my wife's seizure cat. He would warn her of an impending seizure and if she did not respond he would come get me or one of the boys to make sure she took her medication. He lived to be nearly 19. He passed away Christmas day 2009. We miss him greatly and are all grateful to him for rescuing her many times.
Wow TOTH! What a cool story! The other cats are cool, too.
The oscars.
Great pic everyone. We are all HAPPY and loving animal lovers. Despite not being in that shitty organization! IMAGINE THAT!