Ok one more time...How do YOU view Jesus???

by 3dogs1husband 42 Replies latest social humour

  • mP

    I was reading a book about King Arthur and his connections to history or particularly saviour god men. The 12 knights of the round table are of course the zodiac. Its always 12.

    - Jason and the 12 argonauts

    - Hercules and the 12 tasks

    - Jesus and the 12 disciples

    and on and on.

  • talesin

    mP, I had a pretty good collection of books on Arthur, and it's been a life-long passion of mine. That's an interesting spin, and makes sense. What is the title of the book? I would love to read something new.



  • poppers

    What palmtree said.

  • Flat_Accent

    With Binoculars.

  • mP


    im reading a few books at a time, will try and find which one mentions arthur and camelot.

  • ziddina
    "Never said he was. Did you even read my post?..." Low_Key Lysmith

    Yes, Low_Key, I did; I wasn't referring to your post but to 3dogs1hubby's response, as I did not post your comment in my post.

  • ziddina
    "Zid I thought this tract might get you out in the dragon cave to dragon cave work once again!!!!
    Thanks for the link on the other thread...it still doesnt work for me...." 3dogs1husband

    Oh, Sorry!!!

    Try just copying the link and pasting it into your browser's location bar...

    About the tract work - my dragon breath turns off too many potential "converts", so I've been banned from going 'cave to cave'...

    Man, how I miss talking to those crunchy snacks!! Er, "householders"...

  • ziddina
    "I tried to do as Zid suggested @ KH once...." Wizard of Oz


    I thought I mentioned doing that to WORLDLY households...

    It would be SO much fun to "run ahead" of "Jah's" organization, and blanket their territory with the FAKE invites, FIRST!!!

    And with a fake address to go to, also...

  • wha happened?
  • ziddina
    "Why does Jesus have to age so much as indicated in the pic of him as an exalted king? I missed most of the theocratic school --- obviously, missed something. I don't like their rendition of him in that shot. ..." LV101

    Hee hee hee hee!!!

    He's aged prematurely, watching the Governing Body mis-handle "his" flock - flip-flopping on blood transfusions, setting various dates for "Armageddon" - plus the stress of thinking "Jehovah" doesn't love 'him', anymore, since the Governing Body claims to have more influence with "Jehovah" than 'HE' does...

    Or the Governing Body is deliberately mis-representing him [yes, I know.... ] as "over-the-hill", so they can usurp even more of his 'divine authority'....


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