WTS stupid analogies for how to live your life

by tootired2care 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    One of the things that always bothered me about the WTS teaching, is that they take these passages from the bible about a soldier, or battle, or staying awake, being urgent etc, and then use that to justify their points on how you need to live your life each and every day.

    For example some brothers came over for sheparding (don't we all love those) and read a scripture in Nehamiah somewhere about how the families had to camp between the wall sections to protect the city from invaders while rebuilding Jerusalem. The point he made was that since your family is right there you be more inclined to staying awake and defending that section more vigorously. Then he proceeds to use that into gulting me into doing more, reaching out etc.; as if giving more of my time to the Borg is really going to protect my family!

    I was thinking what the f@$% does defending a wall really have to with going in service and this time suck life they make us endure? The WT is just full of many other stupid anologies to guilt us into always giving more and i'm so tired of them.

    What are some that really irked you?

  • snare&racket

    Well that one just did !

    They all do, not one of them stands any scrutiny...

    Probably the most annoying thing for me is when they use the dictionary to hit home a point. "To strive after" what did the bible intend for us by saying "strive" ...well the english oxford dictionary defines strive as.....

    The bible was passed on by word of mouth for centuries, eventually written in hebrew, in its many dialectic forms, where words can be easily misread, misunderstood or have several meaning. So the old testament was in this old Hebrew, edited over thousands of years, then translated into latin and then German and then English, and then modern english. The new testament was spoken in Aramaic, written in goodness knows what, translated to greek, translated to latin, translated to german, translated to english, translated to modern english.....

    THE OBSURDITY OF OPENING UP AN ENGLISH DICTIONARY TO ASSERT THE DEEP MEANING OF THE TEXT IS LUDICROUS....... Arghhhhhhh !!!!! Why was I the only person shaking his head in the room

    tootired2care..... quite frustrating isnt it.

  • blond-moment

    Ironically they teach to be a "soldier" put on your "armor" then tell you to hide from the big bad opposers. Just run away and hide. The WT is fantasitc for teaching out of both sides of its mouth.

  • tootired2care

    The stretching of the meaning of words is sooo tiresome.

    Yes you have to do this and that like a soldier and you have to do it all your life. Tell me how is going from door to door talking about the bible even remotely like being a soldier? At least being a soldier has some aspects of adventure; going to to door is just chinese water torture and boring. I guess comparing it to combat is the only way they can make it sound cool and motivate "the flock" to kepp doing doing it.

  • tootired2care

    Here is a good one form that new book Bearing Thorough witness.

    “Peter Was in Great Perplexity” (Acts 10:9-23a)

    8 Still on the rooftop, “Peter was in great perplexity” over the meaning of the vision when messengers from Cornelius approached the house. (Acts 10:17) Would Peter, who had three times said that he would refuse to eat foods considered unclean according to the Law, be willing to go with these men and enter into the home of a Gentile? In some way holy spirit made God’s will known in this matter. Peter was told: “Look! Three men are seeking you. However, rise, go downstairs and be on your way with them, not doubting at all, because I have dispatched them.” (Acts 10:19, 20) The vision of the sheetlike vessel that Peter had received no doubt prepared him to yield to the leadings of the holy spirit.

    9 Learning that Cornelius had been divinely instructed to send for him, Peter invited the Gentile messengers into the house “and entertained them.” (Acts 10:23a) The obedient apostle was already adjusting to new developments in the outworking of God’s will.

    10 To this day, Jehovah leads his people progressively. (Prov. 4:18) By means of his holy spirit, he is guiding “the faithful and discreet slave” and its Governing Body. (Matt. 24:45) At times, we may receive clarifications in our understanding of God’s Word or changes in certain organizational procedures. We do well to ask ourselves: ‘How do I respond to such refinements? Do I submit to the leadings of God’s spirit in these matters?’

    As brought out in other threads, doesn't the holy spirit get it right the first time? How does anyone really know they have holy spirit on their side? I guess we just have to have blind trust and never ask questions of the GB interpretation.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    "Exercise faith" and then they would give the dictionary definition of exercise and how it involved hard work, determination and endurance etc.

    If only they had defined "faith" as "the wilful abandonment of reason" or "the practice of training your mind to ignore evidence and logic" I might have woken up a bit sooner!

  • punkofnice

    It's all a load of balderdash. How can the illustration of hiding in a wall possibly be translated to doing more for the GB?

    It's like the silly buggers kept saying: 'Stay in the centre of the congregation!'

    How? Sit in the middle at the kingdom hell?

    It belies a lack of IQ in my opinion!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    You only got to be in the centre of my old cong if your face fit with the "in clique". If it didn't you had no chance!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    If they can find a way to spin it, they'll whirl that sucker around until the gears wear out and they start a theocratic fire up in there!

  • WTWizard

    First, most of that rubbish only applied to those living during the time where the "story" happened. Nothing to gain from living as Nehemiah did now--not unless you are willing to move to Israel and back in that time and age. And Jeremiah? Jonah? Were they truly happy during their missions? More likely (and assuming I can even believe the rubbish at all, as opposed to having it pilfered from some ancient religion long before the Jews even existed), they were miserable. Jehovah told Jeremiah effectively to SHUT UPabout being miserable, pretend to be happy, and just do your damn mission! Jonah didn't even want to go, and was dragged to Nineveh. Examples you want to follow?

    And, since I am not a Jew living under Jewish law, why does the Washtowel need to order me to live as people did who were under Jewish law?


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