Impact on the receiving end of "What the Bible Really Teaches"

by kepler 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Any response you eventually get from Watchtower will be more of the same that you've already read in the "Bible Teach" book. They'll probably just quote from their own litteratrash as "proof".

    Rather than go to all that work with a question they'll just dance around, make the question really simple and see how long it takes to get a response. Something like...

    Were koalas a unique 'kind' that survived on Noah's ark? If they were a unique 'kind', how did they get from the area of Turkey, all the way to Australia? Did koalas somehow "evolve" from some "kind" that was on Noah's ark? Are kangaroos a unique 'kind' that survived on the ark and koalas descended from them?

    Sign your fiance's name and mail the letter.

    Good Luck!

  • kepler

    Yes, this does sound like Johnny One Note, but there are some more implications to the assertion about Babylon's fate. When you consider that the concept of a 70-year desolation is borrowed from the Assyrians and the fact that the Assyrians could find mechanisms to revoke or give amnesty on the sentence, what kind of limb does that leave a hundred years of Russell and Rutherford followers on this matter?

    Ex-Bethelite, on your idea about the signature... Instead how about over night COD attached to a brick?

    Question 7: “What the Bible Really Teaches”– Sennacherib and Esarhaddon and 70 year periods of desolation

    When I was visited and instructed by delegations of Jehovah’s Witnesses at my home, we conducted our studies based on the pamphlet “What the Bible Really Teaches”. As a result of reading this booklet carefully, almost immediately I came to believe that I (along with any other interested reader) was being manipulated and deceived.

    In the sections discussing the downfall of Babylonian rulers to the Persians, I was led to believe by the text and the selected Bible verses that Jehovah had utterly destroyed Babylon in 538 BC for wicked deeds performed by the reigning king. …

    Despite what is depicted in “What the Bible Really Teaches” on pages 23-24, I can find no evidence that Cyrus destroyed Babylon. To the contrary, cuneiform accounts relate that he was warmly received there. Babylonian and Persian records on clay tablets and stone before and after make that quite clear. What destruction there was of Babylon was almost exactly 100 years before Nebuchadnezzar brought down Jerusalem. This was the result of an attack by Sennacherib, the same Assyrian monarch who had besieged Jerusalem in Isaiah’s time.

    Strangely enough the expected 70 year desolation period for Babylon (not Jerusalem) decreed by Sennacherib was revoked by his son Esarhaddon in a ceremony also recorded in stone, recovered and translated by Assyrianologists. The destruction is well recorded and Isaiah’s reference to it in the pamphlet Isaiah 14:22-23 (its flooding) is edited out in “What the Bible Really Teaches” so one can’t spot the connection. It is hard to interpret this omission as anything other than deliberate deception about the events.

    It was D. D. Luckenbill in the American Journal of Semitic Languages, Vol. 41, April 1925, pp. 165-173, who translated the Black Stone of Esarhaddon and its description of the rescinding of the sentence of 70 year desolation. The stone, residing in the British Museum is dated to the accession year of the Assyrian monarch Esarhaddon, son and successor to Sennacherib.

    Line (incomplete notation) Line


    12 [70 ] sanate mi-nu-ut 12 Seventy years as the period

    13 ni-du-ti-su is-tur-ma 13 of its desolation he (Marduk) wrote down ( in the

    Book of Fate)

    14 ri-mi-nu-u d Marduk 14 But the merciful Marduk

    15 sur-ris lib-ba-su i-nu-uh ma 15 in a moment his heart was at rest (appeased)

    16 e-lis a-na sap-lis 16 turned it (the book) upside down

    17 us-bal-kit 17 and for the eleventh year

    18 sanate a-sab-su ik-bi 18 ordered its restoration


    The last line of the Black Stone inscription shows the nature of the document:

    “The sons of Babylon, who had been brought to servitude, who had been apportioned to the yoke and the fetter, I gathered together and accounted them Babylonians. Their freedom anew I established. The Black Stone contains the city's charter.”

    A full translation of the text was to appear in D. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia (1926–27).

    And when Esarhaddon’s remedy of his father’s desolation decree for Babylon is rescinded, it becomes clear that Jeremiah and Ezekiel’s insistence on 70 year desolations is a cultural inheritance from Assyria. Esarhaddon had a high priest read the 70 year desolation decree on Babylon upside down so that it read as an effective sentence of 11 years. Do you suppose that it is really pleasing to Jehovah to have city desolations attributed to Him when they did not happen as described and in practice were an instrument of Assyrian war policy?

    I find abundant evidence in history that Babylon continued as a thriving city for centuries. Greek historians Herodotus and Xenophon record many events there and Persian cuneiform records address events in the city without any significant interruption. In fact, the only evidence I see of a destruction of Babylon in accordance with prophetic utterances by Isaiah in chapters 13 and 14 was a destruction that included flooding in the year 689 BC. This was undertaken not by the Persians or Medes but Isaiah’s contemporary the Assyrian King Sennacherib. Are the authors of the pamphlet aware of this? I noticed that in quoting Isaiah 14:21-22

    “… Never again must they rise to conquer the world and cover the face of the earth with their cities.

    I will rise against them declares Yahweh Sabaoth, and deprive Babylon of name, remnant, offspring and posterity, declares Yahweh…”

    The pamphlet stops short of quoting Isaiah about how Babylon was turned into a swamp as a result of Jehovah’s wrath.

    “I shall turn it into the haunt of hedgehogs, a swamp. I shall sweep it with the broom of destruction, declares Yahweh Sabaoth.”

    Questions for study

    In "What the Bible Really Teaches", was the excerpt from Is 14 stopped short with full knowledge of the implications of the statemen? Or was this some sort of coincidence? If reference to the flooding was willfully omitted because of its connection to Sennacherib's operation, how can we say that the pamphlet is exploring what the Bible really teaches unless it really is about distorting historical events? Is it necessarily a matter of faith that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Babylon was destroyed by Jehovah as a punishment? Is it also necessary that we come to understand Jehovah as an adjunct to Assyrian culture and politcal philosophy? Is that the sort of consolation and glad tidings from the Gospel that we should seek, that we are as one with the Assyrians? What is this all about?

  • AnnOMaly

    Hi kepler,

    "40 questions"? Wow. You're really going to hit them with it, huh?

    The only way you'll make your (and their) letters public record is, of course, to post them on the 'net. There are a few individuals who have chosen to do that (thinking of Jonsson [link above], another guy from the UK who went by the name of 'Uncle Onion,' on the issue of blood transfusions, there are the Jensen letters online, etc.). The only benefit you'll get from it is for yourself (catharsis) or to give your fiancee and the local JWs the satisfaction of knowing you did as they asked - you consulted the Society directly. But the WTS will have seen your questions and objections all before, a gazillion times - if indeed they bother reading your book-sized letter ;-)

    Your trucker friend has probably had WTS connections in the past if he supports 607 as the date of Jerusalem's fall. I'd be very interested to know if this definitely ISN'T the case! If he's using Barnes', as you noted, those commentaries do not support that date, so he won't have got it from there. The only reason why Russell favored 606 (as it was then) was because he agreed that Cyrus' 1st year was 536 (as it was thought then from secular history) when he repatriated the exiles, and because he insisted that the land was 'desolate, without an inhabitant' for 70 years which would have become such ONLY when Zedekiah was dethroned. Russell and subsequent WTS leaders would not budge from that notion, other than adjusting the 70 year period by a year (607 - 537).

    Recalling the obselete books would have been impossible, I think. To print a widely-publicized retraction could have been achievable, however, but the WTS doesn't do public retractions (how do you retract something that was divinely-revealed "present truth"? It was true at the time, so why apologize for it?). They prefer to let the obselete teachings fade into people's distant memories, relying on the idea that doctrinal 'light gets brighter as the day approaches' (Prov. 4:somewhere) and focus on hammering home the 'new light.'

  • kepler

    AnnOmaly, Hi.



    "40 questions"? ...The only way you'll make your (and their) letters public record is, of course, to post them on the 'net. There are a few individuals who have chosen to do that (thinking of Jonsson [link above],

    The only benefit you'll get from it is for yourself (catharsis) or to give your fiancee and the local JWs the satisfaction of knowing you did as they asked - you consulted the Society directly. But the WTS will have seen your questions and objections all before, a gazillion times - if indeed they bother reading your book-sized letter ;-)


    ANS: That is exactly what is going on here. One of the questions which I thought was important to detail- and I promised to address above - I just loaded on as a separate topic: "Has anyone read Thucydides beside the author of Daniel?" I hope to get it on this topic in a more brief form, but what few posts that have come in so far, there been comments to the effect that they hadn't heard that discussion before. And neither have I. Now why should I only discuss it very discretely with the anonymous guys in HQ answering department, whom I presume have just moved to Patterson, NY?


    Your trucker friend has probably had WTS connections in the past if he supports 607 as the date of Jerusalem's fall. I'd be very interested to know if this definitely ISN'T the case! If he's using Barnes', as you noted, those commentaries do not support that date, so he won't have got it from there. The only reason why Russell favored 606 (as it was then) was because he agreed that Cyrus' 1st year was 536 (as it was thought then from secular history) when he repatriated the exiles, and because he insisted that the land was 'desolate, without an inhabitant' for 70 years which would have become such ONLY when Zedekiah was dethroned. Russell and subsequent WTS leaders would not budge from that notion, other than adjusting the 70 year period by a year (607 - 537).



    "Chuck the Trucker" comes from the perspective of The United Church of Christ. He latched onto one Barnes Bible note quote to place the sacking in a chronology, but he ignored the other citation for 2 Kings. Don't ask what he thinks of JWs. Much the same as Catholics. Which in either case seems to count for something when you look at an open landscape or a philosophical assertion.

    As I had said above, I got a quote from Russell in Studies in the Scriptures. Vol. II, as it turns out, addresses what you mention. Volume III was the supporting "pyramidal" argument. That was one of the few incidents, I believe, that the organization engaged in any scientific field work - and judging from the results, it might have got caught filing down some of the sandstone there too to meet its preconceived notions.

    Anyway, here's Russell on 606 BC:

    The Time Is At Hand, pp. 79 – 80 Chapter IV 2 nd Volume of Studies in the Scriptures



    Our Lord's words, "until the times* of the Gentiles be fulfilled," imply that the times of the Gentiles must have a definitely appointed limit; because an unlimited, indefinite period could not be said to be fulfilled. So, then, Gentile rale had a beginning, will last for a fixed time, and will end at the time appointed.


    * The Greek word here rendered "times" is kairos. which signifies a fixed time. It is the same word translated "times" in the following passages: Mark 1:15; I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 12:.4; Acts 3:19; 17:26. The word "seasons" in Acts 1:7 is from the same Greek word.


    The beginning of these Gentile Times is clearly located by the Scriptures. Hence, if they furnish us the length also of the fixed period, or lease of Gentile dominion, we can know positively just when it will terminate. The Bible does furnish this fixed period, which must be fulfilled; but it was furnished in such a way that it could not be understood when written, nor until the lapse of time and the events of history had shed their light upon it; and even then, only by those who were watching and who were not overcharged by the cares of the world.

    The Bible evidence is clear and strong that the "Times of the Gentiles" is a period of 2520 years, from the year B. C. 606 to and including A. D. 1914. This lease of universal dominion to Gentile governments, as we have already seen, began with Nebuchadnezzar - not when his reign began, but when the typical kingdom of the Lord passed away, and the dominion of the whole world was left in the hands of the Gentiles. The date for the beginning of the Gentile Times is, therefore, definitely marked as at the time of the removal of the crown of God's typical kingdom, from Zedekiah, their last king.

    According to the words of the prophet (Ezek. 21:25-27), the crown was taken from Zedekiah; and Jerusalem was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar's army and laid in ruins, and so remained for seventy years - until the restoration in the first year of Cyrus. (2 Chron. 36 : 21-23.) Though Jerusalem was then rebuilt, and the captives returned, Israel has never had another king from that to the present day. Though restored to their land and to personal liberty by Cyrus, they, as a nation, were subject successively to the Persians, Grecians and Romans. Under the yoke of the latter they were living when our Lord's first advent occurred, Pilate and Herod being deputies of Caesar.

    With these facts before us, we readily find the date for


    the beginning of the Gentile Times of dominion; for the first year of the reign of Cyrus is a very clearly fixed date - both secular and religious historieswith marked unanimity agreeing with Ptolemy's Canon, which places it B. C. 536. And if B. C. 536 was the year in which the seventy years of Jerusalem's desolation ended and the restoration of the Jews began, it follows that their kingdom was overthrown just seventy years before B. C, 536, i. e., 536 plus 70, or B. C. 606. This gives us the date of the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles - B. C. 606.

    Recognizing God's lease of power to these worldly or Gentile governments, we know, not only that they will fail, and be overthrown, and be succeeded by the Kingdom of Christ when their "times" expire, but also that God will not take the dominion from them, to give it to his Anointed, until that lease expires - "until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Consequently, we are guarded right here against the false idea into which Papacy has led the world - that the Kingdom of God was set up at Pentecost, and more fully established when, as it is claimed, the Roman empire was converted to Christianity (to Papacy), and it attained both temporal and spiritual empire in the world. We see from this prophecy of the Times of the Gentiles that this claim made by the church of Rome, and more or less endorsed by Protestants, is false. We see that those nations which both Papacy and Protestantism designate Christian Nations, and whose dominions they call Christendom (i. e. Christ's Kingdom), are not such. They are "kingdoms of this world," and until their "times" are fulfilled Christ's Kingdom cannot take the control, though it will be organizing and preparing to do so in the few years which close the Gentile Times, while these kingdoms will be trembling, disintegrating and falling into anarchy.

    During the Gospel age, the Kingdom of Christ has existed ...81


    Russell invokes Ptolemy to start the backward chronology off. Then he resorts to prophets because they are prophets. The king list of Berosus tells historians something quite different than what Russell claims; archeological and astronomical evidence he runs up against as well. But the society claims Russell was spot on except

    - when he was talking about things like pyramids - which were Satanic

    - or the exact year which was makes his start point a year off,

    - or where God resides (Alcyone) - which he thinks he got the goods on from lunar cartographer von Maedlin - and Rutherford sticks his neck out on this one as well in the Harp of God. Imagine all the astronomical and astrophysical reasoning that went into that - circa 1845.


    So what's the point?

    I am new to this forum and this set of topics. I have yet to get a sense of the demographics in these discussions. Some, I suspect, are currently practicing JWs who sought this site to discuss a range of issues. And some, I suspect, have decided that the JW organization is way out of kilter.

    But in the latter case, including myself, I think there is a tendency to concede to the organization most of the field. For myself, I am not going to go off about Darwinism, cosmology or geology. It would just appear as a vain snow job. And if I quote from those that have left, those that are still in assume they have the right to act like they have been confronted with vampires. However, I would say that reading Olofson or Ray Franz is like reading Trotskij or Bukharin ( The Party could be so wonderful if ...).

    Why should all arguments be assumed futile? It is all too clear that it is not going to slow down on forcing people to confront people with scripts that simply are not true from the get-go. Why should it be allowed that the organization can say anything that it wants? Why should I accept that it should be allowed to channel any rebuttal to a post office box in the age of the Internet? Why should it be accepted that any Elder has no responsibility for what he says and that no one would counter what he says when it is entirely clear that he is wrong? Where should I stand if I hear of young people targeted by pioneers in their neighborhood? Should I say, "Yes, that's right. We are privileged to live after the end of Gentile Times. And someday you are going to be a pioneer publisher too whose come to see the Gettysburg Address in a new and important way...And the more catastrophe we hear about this year, the more certain we are that the time is nigh." This is not hypothetical.

  • AnnOMaly


    It's surprising to hear about Chuck the Trucker's religious affiliation! Hm.

    I made a short comment on your 'Thucydides' thread.

    Russell invokes Ptolemy to start the backward chronology off

    Yes he does initially ... until he realizes that 'Ptolemy's Canon' has Cyrus' first year as 538 and Nebuchadnezzar's 18th year as 587. Then he kicks off against it and the reliability of the astronomy that goes along with it, yet still insisting Ptolemy's list supports 536 as Cyrus' first year.

    See ZWT, May 15, 1896, p. 103 [1974] ff. ERRONEOUS CHRONOLOGY AND FALSE CONCLUSIONS. You'll enjoy it!

    I quote from those that have left, those that are still in assume they have the right to act like they have been confronted with vampires.

    LOL! Russell said in the very first issue of The Watchtower,

    What Is Truth? ... A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God. ... ... Accept truth wherever you find it, no matter what it contradicts" - ZWT, July 1879, p. 3 [8-9].

  • kepler

    One of the question issues came up on another topic discussion.

    This was with regards to quoting Ephraim Stein as backup for 607 BC.

    I hope to post some more questions over the weekend.

  • kepler

    I know, I'm getting tired of polemics too, but I feel obliged. I'm jumping around in the numerical sequence. Some of the questions are more ready for presentation than others. This is not entirely a question of presentation to the perhaps hypothetical questions from readers page. If these questions are of interest to me, I presume they might be of interest to someone else, or there might be some pretty good insight out there already.

    To cite a similar situation, I was once trying to decide which of two vendors to purchase some software from. One specialized in software for writing code; the other produced such software as a sideline and was one of the primary makers of computer chips. When it came to questions about the code, the software company had a help desk available by phone or e-mail. The chip maker had a users' group. In that respect the Watchtower resembles Intel. Or am I wrong?

    Question 33: 2 Peter

    In 2 Peter 3: 15-17 there is a commentary on the delay of the day of reckoning where the old Earth will pass away.

    “Think of the Lord’s patience as your opportunity to be saved: our brother Paul, who is so dear to us, told you this when he wrote to you with the wisdom that he was given. He makes this point too in his letters as a whole wherever he touches on these things. In all his letters there are of course some passages which are hard to understand, and tese are the ones that uneducated and unbalanced people distort, in the same way as they distort the rest of Scripture – to their own destruction.”

    Paul’s letters seemingly already exist as a collection, and are put up on the same level as the Old Testament. And we are to presume that Peter is writing from distant Babylon sometime after Paul’s passing away?

    Question 34: Jude and the Book of Enoch

    If the brief epistle of Jude in the New Testament is part of the Canon and it refers to the Book of Enoch and the book of Enoch is extant, should we read this book as well? What are we to make of it? Does this book not have more resemblance to Zoroastrian writngs than anything else in the Hebrew Scriptures?

    Question 35: Destruction of the Temple, First and Second

    In the Gospels there is frequent reference to coming events. In some cases the grief and destruction faced by the generation that would witness the second destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem; not in the spare account of Mark, but in Luke 23:27-32. However, in Dispensationalist theory, little is made of this second destruction; only the second counts for prophetic judgments about our error? Why is this?

    Question 36: The Remnant

    In the 1954 Strachan vs. Walsh testimony of Vice President Frederick Franz, on page 30 of the text there is a discussion of the Remnant in terms of the living remaining anointed.

    A:The remnant, we have reason to belive, are sufficient in umber on earth today to complete the membership of the Body of Christ, 144,000. However, the fact that a man or woman may be a member of the anointed today does not guarantee that one will pass through the further trials of faith and devotion in the future and come off victorious. There may be those who will succumb under the test and fall out, in which case they will have to be replaced by others who dedicate themselves to Jehovah God through Jesus Christ. … Those then will replace the unfaithful ones.

    Q. Within the Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses is there a distinction between those who are of the remnant of the anointed and those who are not?

    A. Yes, there is a distinction….

    Q. Now one last matter on this little chapter. Can the theocratic direction which you have described as transmitting from God through his chosen instruments upon earth operate through the other sheep; or must it operate through the anointed?

    A. The direction of the work must operate through the anointed.

    Q. Does it therefore follow that , that it is only those who are of the anointed who can achieve and hold a position such as president or ordinary member of the Board of Directors of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?

    A. Yes, that is true, and we have a by-law which restricts the membership of the Board of Directors to the anointed class.

    Q. Can you just tell his Lordship one other matter. How is the qualification of being one of the anointed evidenced? Is it self-determinative selection or is it determined by some external body or external agency?

    A. No. Membership in the anointed body, of course, can only be determined by Jehovah God himself because it is a spiritual body and he is the only one who can beget those whom he accepts by His Holy Spirit and makes them as such with his Holy Spirit to be members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom.


    Are there enough anointed alive and physically capable to fulfill the stated by-laws of the Society today? Have the bylaws been changed?

  • kepler

    Question 40: Where are JW Hospitals and Schools?

    In an on-line post dated 03/11/2011 regarding the topic – Matrix Moment a correspondent wrote:

    My matrix awakening was while at a meeting just after the devastating Haiti earthquake. Many of the brothers were inquiring about a special collection for the victims and an announcement was made that "there will be no special collection for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. Anyone who wants to make a donation for this cause, please make a deposit in the World Fund box and the Society will put the money were the need is greater". I was shocked in disbelief. The coldness and uncaring way this was presented placed me wide awake. The same Holy Spirit who has not been able to give this Org a correct date for Armagedon is correctly going to separate money donated for Haitian victims and direct the monies to that cause. I was disconnected immediately and forever.


    In the midst of my instruction via “What the Bible Really Teaches”, Haiti was struck by a severe earthquake 12 January of 2010. In the following Saturday morning session at my house, the elder in charge of instruction cited this as proof that we were near the end prophesied, but he was extremely vague about how else we should respond other than to get to the bottom line of the book we were reading through. That day I had asked specifically what relief action was being undertaken through the KH. As for myself I made several donations to charities that had feet on the ground; and in the case of Catholic Relief Service, I could hear about what they were doing via National Public Radio interviews on site a day or two after submitting something via phone. It wasn’t much in the face of what had happened, but connection with the suffering of others could be made in Christ’s name or simply via a secular non-government organization. The fate and welfare of others was not entirely ignored.

    The previous fall when I had asked my fianceé the same root question ( Where are the hospitals and the schools? Where are the evidences of the works of mercy or charity? ), defensively she said that I would have to ask someone else, someone with authority to answer such perhaps impertinent questions. She fobbed it off to the instructors with the pamphlet “What the Bible Really Teaches”. I posed this one a couple of times before I finally got an answer.

    Generally speaking though, I could see though where the organization took seriously the 24 th chapter of Matthew, but what of chapter 25? What was being done for suffering on Earth? What was being done to make sure that the next generation had as good a chance as the previous or better?

    To me and my generation with whom I had shared the experience of private parochial schools, there actually had been vocational direction to professional careers such as teachers and doctors; either outside of or within religious orders with active missionary efforts for such purposes. In contrast, as an observer via WTBRT, I was struck by the lack of regard for suffering on Earth or the belief that we were put on this Earth to make it any better than the shape in which it was found. If we were not to be called to ministry, then that at least was our calling before God – so I was led to believe.

    When I attended a 2010 Memorial service notified of its imminence with a broadside that said it would include an important message, I discovered that this entailed a litany of how much suffering was going on on Earth and how it was a proof that the end of the old “system of things” was sure to come. Hence, increased tempo in events such as tsunamis and earthquakes restore faith rather than challenge it, no?

    Then the matter came up again after the Haiti quake, it was when an overseer had accompanied the elder instead of his regular crew.

    The two had differed on a couple of matters brought up. On the matter of Babylon’s destruction, the elder was sure it was a done deal in 538 BC because “What the Bible Really Teaches” had just explained it. The overseer interceded to say that actually Jehovah had destroyed Babylon in his own time. If it meant anything, what I was doing was picking at knits and the book was still right and I was wrong to question it. But regarding schools and hospitals, the overseer cited Jesus himself: “The poor you will always have with you.” Either from Matthew 26:11 or Mark 14:7.

    The remark, at the occasion of the anointing at Bethany, was elicited by someone protesting the use of expensive oil which was spilled on the floor and could have been worth 300 denarii had it have applied to the care of the sick or poor.

    But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why are you upsetting her? What she has done for me is a good work. You have the poor with you always, and you can be kind to them whenever you wish, but you will not always have me here. She has done what she could, she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial. In truth I tell you, whatever throughout all the world the gospel is proclaimed, what she has done will be told as well in remembrance of her.”

    The words are, as near as I can tell, identical in Matthew.

    But were those words, as the Overseer had alleged, a justification for no schools or hospitals? Is it that the hour is so late and the work so urgent that these things must wait now near the elapse of the first tenth of millennial reign? How many generations now have there been pioneers and publishers, but a ministry without any works?

    Or is it the reasoning somewhat akin to that of the rift between socialists and socialist revolutionaries: that improved conditions only delay violent overthrow? Shortly after Russell announced that October 1914 was the arrival time of his prophecies and American clergymen observed that, true enough the world was involved now in a great war, there was a movement within the nation to stage a national day of prayer to resolve the European conflict now on-going since mid summer. The Watchtower replied to this with disdain, citing that God’s judgment was final. There could be no turning back.

    The book of Jonah is among the shortest of the Old Testament, but I wonder if by Russell it was ever read?

  • Chariklo


  • kepler

    Searching for Questions from Readers - Instead I find Walker Percy!

    As I indicated at the start of this topic, I took the matter of contacting an authority with my concerns back to a local Kingdom Hall. After sitting through two hours of services one Thursday Februrary 23 rd , I was given an interview with an elder and two of his colleagues for about an hour on Saturday March 3 rd . After listening to some of the issues I had raised and being unable or unwilling to comment, they did direct me to contact the Patterson, NY headquarters via the official websites.

    In the course of searching for a means to submit my concerns to the parties to which you had said they should be directed, I ended up locating and visiting several Jehovah’s Witnesses official websites. On one of the primary links, Walker Percy is quoted in an interview with the American Medical News – 21 November 1977.

    "The whole world really blew up about World War I and we still don't know why. Before then, men thought that utopia was in sight. There was peace and prosperity. Then everything blew up. We've been in a state of suspended animation ever since . . . More people have been killed in this century than in all of history."—Dr. Walker Percy, American Medical News, November 21, 1977.

    Walker Percy was a Louisianan with roots of many generations, an essayist and novelist with medical training, a Roman Catholic convert, whose books and novels I have read almost in entirety. Back in the early 1980s I once tried calling him up when I lived in New Orleans, but couldn’t reach him; often shopped at the Maple Street Bookstore in the Uptown area, but never ran into him. That he was quoted in American Medical News is more from his training as a doctor rather than his practice; he suffered from tuberculosis for much of his life and switched careers.

    I can say with assurance that his outlook would not have placed him on the official website voluntarily. But since he is now deceased (1990), he can hardly protest his citation, postcards as rare as they are from where he has gone. I doubt the average website visitor has any idea who he was. Safe to say, his passing just makes him an excellent target for exploitation. But it is another illustration of the manner of behavior which inspired me to seek the Questions from Readers or “write to us” webpage in the first place.

    Certainly, Walker Percy made those remarks about WWI – just as he would observe much about American and world history in their entirety. Like Lincoln he observed the Civil War as a test bestowed on America by God for its legacy of slavery – and he also called it aptly the “American Iliad”. Civil War historian Justin Foote was one of his closest and life long friends. He shared Percy's last correspondence directed to him during funeral observances.

    While the website seems to indicate Percy was enlisted in the cause, Walker Percy does speak of Jehovah’s Witnesses on his own, however. In my autographed 1987 edition of his book “The Message in the Bottle” in an essay of the same name, Percy writes:

    If the newsbearer is a stranger to me, he is not necessarily disqualified as a newsbearer. In some case indeed his disinterest may itself be a warrant, since he does not stand to profit from the usual considerations of friendship, family feelings, and so on. His sobriety or foolishness, good faith or knavery may be known through mien. Even though he may bring news of high relevance to my predicament, yet a certain drunkenness of spirit – enthusiasm in the old sense of the word – is enough to disqualify him and lead me to suspect that he is concerned not with my predicament but only with his own drunkenness. If a Jehovah’s Witness should ring my doorbell and announce the advent of God’s kingdom, I recognize the possibly momentous character of his news but must withhold acceptance because of a certain lack of sobriety in the newsbearer ….

    … A third canon of acceptance is the possibility of the news. If the news is strictly relevant to my predicament and if the bearer of the news is a person of the best character, I still cannot heed the news if (1) I know for a fact that that it cannot possibly be true or (2) the report refers to an event of an unheralded, absurd or otherwise inappropriate character. If I am dying of thirst and the newsbearer announces to me that over the next dune I will discover molten sulfur and that it will quench my thirst, I must despair of the news….

    But the message in the bottle is not enough – if the message conveys news and not knowledge sub specie aeternitas. There must be, as Kierkegaard himself saw later, someone who delivers the news and speaks with authority.

    Is this someone then anyone who rings the doorbell and says “Come!” No indeed, for in these times everyone is an apostle of sorts, ringing doorbells and bidding his neighbor to believe this and do that. In such times, when everyone is saying “Come!” when radio and television say nothing else but “Come!” it may be that the best way to say “Come!” is to remain silent. Sometimes silence itself is “Come!”

    Since everyone is saying “Come!” now in the fashion of apostles – communists and Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as advertisers – the uniqueness of the original “Come!” from across the seas is apt to be overlooked. The apostolic character of Christianity is unique among religions. No one else has ever left or will ever leave his island to say”Come!” to other islanders for reasons which have nothing to do with the dissemination of knowledge sub specie aeternitas and nothing to do with his own needs. The communist is disseminating what he believes to be knowledge sub specie aeternitas – and so is the Rockefeller (Institute) scientist. The Jehovah’s Witness and the Holy Roller are bearing island news to make themselves and the other islanders happy. But what if a man receives the commission to bring news across the seas to the castaway and does so in perfect sobriety and with good faith and perseverance to the point of martyrdom? And what if the news the newsbearer bears is the very news the castaway had been waiting for, news of where he came from and who he is and what he must do, and what if the newsbearer brought with him the means by which the castaway may do what he must do? Well, then, the castaway will, by the grace of God, believe him.

    When this particular essay was written could have been any time between 1954 and 1975. In one of the later essays, “Notes for a Novel about the End of the World”, (probably among the later essays), he begins: A serious novel about the destruction of the United States and the end of the world should perform the function of prophecy in reverse. The novelist writes about the coming end in order to warn about present ills and so avert the end. Not being called by God to be a prophet, he nevertheless pretend sto a certain prescience. If he did not think he saw something other people didn’t see or or at least didn’t pay attention to, he would be wasting his time writing and they reading. …I am not speaking of a Wellsian fantasy or a science fiction film on the Late Show… Of more concern… Perhaps “Love Among the Ruins” represented the transformation from essay to novel of this idea.

    When Walker Percy died north of New Orleans across Lake Pontchartrain in 1990, he was part of the Saint Benedict monastic community still short of full ordination.

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