I am sorry you are going through this, i know how you feel, my own family told my children that i was dead because i was d/f and that they didnt have to come visit me or see me if they didnt want too, but you know what i think, who needs them, i know who loves me and who cares about me and i dont need them in my life anymore.
my family, my da status and my s-i-l (VENTING)
by peaceloveharmony 46 Replies latest jw experiences
I hope you are feeling much better this evening. It feels so good just to let it all out and have a cry about it. Not only that, you actually said what is on your mind and that has to be a relief. I so sympathise with what is going on now sweetie. Just remember how many you have here who care about and love you. Letting go of those who are our own blood though is not easy.((((another one)))) Because it isn't over yet.
love ya
wendy -
mommy wendy please mail me
help me tonight
pleaseTodays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working. -
Sorry I just now noticed your post, Harm. Not much I can add to the other words of support other than, "Me Too!"
What's that scripture about losing Mother or Father or Brother or Sister for the FAITH and regaining them?? Look around you at the family you've obtained here - how unconditional the love and support. Who says blood is thicker than water?? Can we measure cyber-thick??
With Tina, Mommy Dark, myself, and the others here offering to be substitute moms...you could go broke next Mother's Day. Better start saving up!
Wasa -
(((wasa))))))0you are the best..I 'm havin a hard time tonight-it;s the Pearl thing-tpp close to homr and memories..to know another woman had to watch her husband die,oh,,,,,wasa,I feel like such a weak,,,,Id dunno
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working. -
Man, you're lucky! You're DA'd and your mum and dad still hang out with you in public? In front of other witnesses? And I suppose they didn't say anything about your smoking or language (or did you refrain from both whilst in their company?)
Count your blessings Harm! Just because one non-blood relative won't talk to you doesn't mean anything.
Count yourself lucky that you have parents that love and talk to you in the first place. You have more than I do, girl!
Sorry about my post earlier,but she is a vitch. I don't know what it's like to be in your place. I shouldn't say anything. It's just my NY attitude. Tell 'em off.
But you need to be careful and that's difficult. You have to many consequences.
Dammit woman! You are thoughtful, intelligent, beautiful, etc...(if I went on I might be crude)...you should respect your own intelligence more and know that all that is a poor effort to have game. No one who even pretends to play by JW rules could understand the worldly ways, or the rules where BULLSHIT walks, and Apostacy talks...do take care and I feel for you. Crazy JW people are a pain in the ass, but they are no match for one informed apostate...
I think in Apostate Land women can be Overbeers, perhaps an affirmation might help,...you have my nomination..heheheSincerely,
District Overbeer
I emailed you. Sorry I was surfing the web and just now saw this request. I hope you are doing okay honey. I would call ya but Wassa is probably talking your ear off. If not call me!
You smoke ciggies And you have "language" The shame!lol Me thinks Prisca is projecting her own anger on you with her comments. I am sure she is hurting pretty bad to throw a jab at you now. Prisca get some help, you really need it.
wendy -
Harmony, I know how you feel. I want to tell my family about all the things that I have discovered about the org. My father is inactive and my mother has told me that she will love me no matter what. The one who really scares me is my sister. She is really into being a Witness. Although I am not dependent on my family, it would tear me apart if my sister decided not to have anything with me. Some days I feel like throwing all caution to the wind and tell my family everything I feel.
((((hugs)))...((((giving harmony a big kiss)))!
I hope everything turns out OK, and you should kick your sister-in-law's ass!
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"