I'm kind of freaking out because I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled in a few weeks. Two of them are completely impacted, and one is partially impacted. Fortunately, they're not oddly aligned. They're straight, just stupid. So at least it shouldn't a complicated surgery. I think they'll just need to open up the gums and pull, instead of breaking them up and taking out the pieces.
I'm kind of going to try to just take the prescription ibuprofen they'll give me because most of my friends said that the pain pills (my oral surgeon also gives Vicodin) they were given either made them vomit, almost vomit, or just feel completely dizzy and out of it. Those people said they would have rather had more pain than those symptoms. Plus I never take anything ever, so I think my body could maybe have a weird reaction. I have a few friends who couldn't use the pain pills out of necessity, (they weren't prescribed, they had to watch their kid, they had to be back at work the next day, etc.) and they said that the pain wasn't so bad that it was unbearable or anything. They just took Tylenol, Advil, or what have you.
I'm trying to get as many stories as I can from people who've had theirs pulled. I know it's not going to make any difference haha, but it eases my mind a bit. How bad did you guys have it? Did it feel like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre just happened in your mouth? Or were you as high as Mary Poppins the whole time? Did prescription strength normal type pills work?