@Aussie Oz:
I was pondering the other day, why the Watchtower corporation doesn't just sell off all the kingdom halls and hang the JWs out to dry seeing they make far more $$$ from business than peddling the religion these days. [¶] Then it dawned on me... they need to keep that little sideline going for the tax breaks!
All religious groups, whether they be one of the Christian religions or the non-Christian ones (e.g., Islam, Buddhism), rely upon the financial support of its adherents. I'm not been paid a salary nor do I receive any financial compensation or any monetary benefits whatsoever for my engaging in any of the ministerial work and duties I have assumed or perform as one of Jehovah's Witnesses since before I began working in the legal field until now, but, like other religious organization, our organization is supported by the voluntary contributions of those associated in some way with my religious group. If you are able, why don't you ponder this thought?
Now things like electricity do have a cost and that cost is typically met by contributions given to such religious groups. As far as tax breaks are concerned, not all of the religious groups that exist in the world are required to file returns with the Internal Revenue Service here in the US since foreign religious groups would not qualify for tax breaks. Think much?
slow learner i guess.
No, you may be suffering from a malady that I've found to exist in many people that makes it a virtual impossibility for those plagued with it to think. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I believe in the message that Jesus preached regarding my salvation and the salvation of the world, which was made possible on the basis of genuine faith in the sin-atoning benefits of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for my sins and the sins of others. The good news teaches that God’s kingdom by Christ will bring all things on earth into perfect unity with the holy heavens and establish peace between God and man and lasting peace on earth.
Every elder on the planet would step up to protect the flock in their care from being led off from the pen of the fine shepherd, knowing as we do how precious they are to the Lord Jesus Christ. If it were even possible to "close" my religion, to persuade me over to another religion, another opinion, another way of life not based on God's word as I've come to learn since I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses, someone would have to kill me. If you were a "slow learner," or retarded, then there might explain this notion of yours, but I don't think you to be either.
I realize that you cannot possibly believe in anything of substance that is on a par with the things I believe or hold as dear to me, so I wouldn't really expect you to understand my viewpoint. Frankly, the idea of closing someone's religion comes off to me as the thought process of a stupid person. You're not a stupid person, are you, @Aussie Oz?