Here's a "press release" written by an anonymous source that can be sent to the media about the thinner magazines

by AndersonsInfo 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sofi

    The funny thing is that the "slave' is always changing stuff around and never, never takes into consideration what the members of the cult may feel about it. Changed the letter of the songs (i feel stupid singing now, wanting to sing the ones i know instead of the new versions) i actually liked the study of the book, that's gone. And as "the light gets brighter" you just have to accept whatever nonsense they want to climb down your throat as the new "truth" I actually like the witnesses, love the attitude of many sincere people that attend and really want to do the right thing, but all that other mind control of the "society" makes me sick.

  • steve2

    Although I cannot imagine which media would want to feature this press release, I'd still be interested in knowing about any media who pick up on it.

    On the question of whether door-to-door work is going to be less of a focus in the organization and the internet a growing focus:

    What would a JW do if he or she were no longer required to go door-to-door? Even among the growing band of JWs who put less and less time into the door-to-door work, the meetings and the publications remain truculently oriented to that work. A JW religion without door-knocking would have no reason to exist. It would be similar to Seventh-Day Adventists no longer being required to observe the Sabbath or charismatic christians no longer speaking in tongues.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for keeping up with this stuff, Barbara. I hope the dubs will remember to cut their contributions in half for the mags. The voluntary donation arrangement is going so well.

  • EmptyInside

    If they no longer have magazines to place,they still have the Bible Teach book. And wasn't it about teaching from the Bible all along?

    That's probably what most Witnesses will say,it's to concentrate more on starting Bible studies.

  • Kojack57

    Never in all my years as a fader would I think the society would make all these changes. But is all about the money. Most witnesses don't read the watchtower through and through. I know I didn't. I just glanced at what was in there. But you can rest assured, the study articals will still be there to control the minds of the cult members into eternal damnation.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    I get a really strong feeling that this is the beginning of the end for the Watchtower.


  • james_woods
    I get a really strong feeling that this is the beginning of the end for the Watchtower.

    Good feeling. It may be a sign of that - but they will last after all of us are gone.

    We just have to help the ones (who wake up) that we can.

  • ex360shipper

    The only time i read beyond the study articles was during the meeting when it got so boring I was willing to read anything! Thank goodness iphones found ways to solve boredom!

  • Lore
    So now through careful negotiation with satan, the internet has been handed back to God.

    That was pretty funny.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am fed up with the anonymous sources and inaccurate statements. When you place yourself as an advocate, you should have a higher degree of responsibility. An anonymous source is a garbage source.

    This is not a whistle blower case or a national security case. If you can write a press release, you can sign your name. (they are so easy to make up anyway).

    Over and over again I see valuable work that could make a difference in the real world only play to WT hatred.

    Leaving the Wt means they don't dictate your life. When you are reporter, you make certain your info is accurate. If you don't understand something, you interview sources until you understand the info.

    This is not an obvious case but it is the last straw for me.

    They are not going to fade away b/c the magazines are thinner.

    Supposedly, we should be on the same side. I believe we are. They are only a publishing company. The WT is not even the Wizard of Oz. Anonymous press releases show the mind set of the author. How are we any different from the corporate "Watchtower......" sig. I recall CBS Minutes was investigating them(never ran a story) and the producers remarked that no one in Bethel has a name.

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