I met a lady last week, we like each other, she flirted with me but I have not asked her out for date. She is very pretty but I ran a background check on her. She got arrested for possession of Marijuana last year. Part of me say that I should not ask her out at all. I am confused right now. Should I ask her about her background??? If she still smokes pot, I would not date her at all. I will need your input. Thanks!
I met a lady last week.........
by Iamallcool 58 Replies latest jw friends
that is one lucky woman!
If she still smokes pot,
Getting arrested won't stop her.
Yep, that reefer is one hell of a drug. Wait, I was thinking about cocaine. Nevermind.
Roughly 1/2 of the US population has smoked weed. I think the stats also show that 10% become addicted. If she has a possession charge, then she's done it enough to get caught. I bet you she, at least, has a fetish for weed.
How old is this lady? If she's a teenager/younger, then it may just be a fad. Perhaps she'll grow out of it. You don't want weed in the same house as your future kids! Not marriage material. Perhaps "booty call" material, but not wifey material.
If she's 55, then is she a pot-head? Check for her Eagles and Grateful Dead collection. She may be a pretty cool older lady that you're passing up.
Seriously, I think your question should come down to whether or not she's addicted? And, how often she does it; and what % of money goes to this habit; and if it interferes with her work or hobbies. If she has a conviction or arrest, then future employers of hers are also going to see it. She will have "problems" getting a job (unless it's as a roadie for the Eagles..) Anyway, it's up to you to determine if you want to deal with her weed fetish.
Weed and alcohol are both "drugs". One is acceptable and the other isn't. Why? Social stigma. What type of person lights up weed? What type of person downs a scotch? Both drugs are used for a high. But, the government has made weed illegal. Why? Social control.
she is 35 and she is a chef! Ummm......
Are people here actually taking a weed conviction seriously?
My employer requires that I have clean criminal record. Too risky.
JWs take weed very seriously, and it's no wonder that any person who was raised in the Truth is going to see weed as a problem.
CHef!!!! Now, it's complete. Smoking pot qualifies her for the job! Ever work in a restaurant? The entire kitchen staff smokes weed at the back door, and the manager has screwed every chick (or tried to) in his office. Bennyhornigans. No, I'd never let my daughter work in a restaurant.
no, I have never worked at any restaurant. Ummmm.....