Hong Xiuquan was a remarkable person. He very nearly became the progenitor of new Chinese dynasty. If it had not been for the intervention of the West, he may well have destroyed the Qing dynasty. The Qing were from Manchuria - in the North of China, anc related to the Mongols and others that had been part of the Steppe people who have had more influence on world history than any other group.
Funny thing, Yahweh never mentions them.
And, (back to Hong) the western general that directed the push that brought an end to the Taiping, was General Charles Gordon, who (back in the UK) was nicknamed 'Chinese Gordon,' for his exploits in China. Curious, isn't it, that the only successfull indigenous Chinese version of Christianity was defeated by a general that read the Bible daily.
Hong was a good Bible student (smile) if you read the regulations he imposed on his 'new' kingdom, you see the influence of the Bible everywhere.
If you want to know more about him try and find a copy of Jonathon Spence's, "God's Chinese Son- The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan."
Many westerners went to visit the capital he established in Nanjing. Spence writes:
" It is hard for Nanjing visitors not to be moved by the outdoor services ... in the centre of Nanjing, when a great crowd assembles on the Sabbath day, ... to listen to the two Taiping preachers appointed for that day. (They) ... address the throng in turn, one on the topic of a soldier's duties, love of family and attention to prayer, on on the reason for excluding traders from the city and on the need for charity toward the elderly and destitute."