I agree with those who favour the Salvation Army.
They are non denominational and I know people who have used their charity. They are in fact the ONLY local charity that I contribute to via the kettle and/or food drives because I know that at Christmas they use the money for baskets for all the needy people on their list. Families that have little in the way of food or gifts at Christmas can have their name on a list and receive a basket with some food and some small item for the kids in the family. For people with nothing, it is a life saver.
It is place where families can pay a few bucks for a whole bag of clothes for the kids. A good winter coat or a pair of pants and shirt for a job interview can be had for a buck.
My father was a child of the Depression and he saw first hand the work they did - without expectation of conversion.
The Society has no such charity toward any of those outside their own organization......I have never sat in on a SA sermon, but I have seen the good works they do and the benefit they provide to some of the most vulnerable and/or down and out in our society. sammies