Romans 8:18-25?
Have any given thought to...
by HenryP 10 Replies latest jw friends
No not really. How about 1 Maccabees:31-33?
Romans 8:18-25 from the NIV:
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
An excellent confirmation of Marx's statement that "religion is the opiate of the masses." It keeps them docile, unquestioning, lethargic. What, the Bible predicts we shall have sucky lives? Well, no sense throwing off colonial oppressors, then, is there? No sense abolishing slavery, no sense helping the poor. No sense working for pease, no sense promoting education.
Of course, too a culture where things were not improving even over the course of generations, this is just the sort of hopeful message that all ancient religions were built on. If there is no way to a better life now, the hope for a better life in some future promised existence should stop the peasants from killing themselves, and certainly will stop them from overthrowing the status quo.
Have you given any thought to developments in science
and technology?Have you realized that "business as usual" for religions
(esp. the Watchtower) is going to end in the next generation?
Cloning, stem cells, and new anti-aging therapies will change
everything radically - and then there's also robots and artificial
intelligence.Good Luck peddling that message about human failure and pessimism
Any thoughts on the expression: "expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."?
Sorry Henry but generations upon generations for over 2000 years have waited on the Bible's hollow promises to be fullfilled only to be disappointed over & over again. Promises like these are useless, what if I promised you a million dollars but never specified when you'd get it and a hundred generations later your children's children are still waiting? Most would call it fraud. You live a fantasy more unreal than Bigfoot, Nessy, and UFOs put together. If there were a God and He promises things which He never delivers on then He is evil and unworthy of our worship. I've been fooled enough. The Watchtower's promises have been PROVEN false over and over again. You need to get your mind around these FACTS and live a real life. WAKE UP! The Bible is nonsense and the Watchtower is nonsense based on more nonsense. The evidence is indisputable. A reasonable God would forgive us our disbelief considering all the evidence.
This is a marvelous scripture where the Apostle Paul is explaining the spiritual groaning of those that have been adopted by the spirit. Yes, the spirit which is placed as a token in the fallen flesh of the Holy Ones groans and wants to rejoin the Father of all Spirits in heaven. This is the revelation of the Sons of Gods that all who have faith are awaiting.
In fact, this is the essence and glorious Good News of Christ, in that ALL that put faith in Jesus will be adopted as Sons of the Most High God.
When I say put faith in Jesus, it is not by mere words or shear knowledge. For Satan and the demons have that kind of faith in that they know who Jesus is and what is his role and what is he destined to do.
No, the kind of faith that genuine Christians would have is that Jesus had come in the flesh, died and was raised and is now sitting on the right hand of his Father's throne. Furthermore, Christians put faith in Jesus in that they GRAB HOLD of him, like sheep to a shepherd, in order to lead them to the Father. No one can get to the Father except THROUGH jesus.
I have been associating with Jehovah's Witnesses for more than 30 years, and I have not been able to grasp this faith until very recently. This is no thanks to the Society, for in fact it obscured Christ for me. The Society acknowledges Jesus, has knowledge of Jesus, but it does not lead its followers to Jesus. On the contrary, it leads them to itself.
Jesus said that he is knocking on the door and that ANYONE openning the door, he promised to come in and have a meal with him. Of course, he was speaking symbolically, but this is the crux of the faith of those that call themselves Christians.
While all prayerful worship is addressed to the Father, however, Jesus is also alive and sitting beside the Father and will come to the help and direction to any that CALL ON HIS NAME.
So, ALL who want to have faith in Jesus must CALL ON THE NAME of Jesus to lead them and direct them to the Father, leads them to everlasting life and the glorious freedom promised to all who would be the Sons of God.
Any thoughts on the expression: "expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."?
Didn't this happen in 1843 or was it 1844, perhaps 1874 or maybe 1878 or even 1881. What about 1914 or 1918 or 1919 or 1925 or 1975 or within the lifetime of those who saw "with eyes of understanding" the beginning of The Great War (WWI). Or maybe even within the lifetime of the "millions now living (in 1919) who will never die?"
Maybe when the Imperial German, er, Communist Russian, er Islamic King of the North attacks whoever he is attacking these days and the UN magically makes all religion go away except for its favorite former NGO religion er printing company? Maybe when the faithful and discreet slave appointed in 1919 starts becoming faithful and discreet instead of being run by a bunch of shyster lawyers? -
HenryP, Yes I have, but your religious leaders say it only applies to some 8,000 people on earth today.
According to your religious leaders Jesus is only the mediator for those 8,000 persons. The rest must be mediated through the WTBTS of NY.
So the next time you pray at the meeting, why don't you pray in the name of the WTBTS of NY?
Yes Stealth, good point...
What happens when all the "anointed" are gone, dead... ?
Which shouldn't take too long, most of them are in their 80s...
No more anointed, no more faithful slave, no more mediator...
Then what ?