How much money would you commit to the apostate cause? I think 10 million is fair....that is a lot of billboards and full time employees.
If you win the 365million dollar jackpot....
by Diest 27 Replies latest jw friends
just do not donate to Rick Fearon since he can make billboards.
i think regional ex jw centers would be good.
If I win that much, I would probably be greedy.
I thought the question would be, "if you won who would you curse out, and who would you slap?"
(After I paid off my house, maybe buy a new car, a car for my kid, few minor things, and a nest egg for my old age) At this stage in my recovery, I would put it all to work. I would grease politians hands, I would grease news editors hands, bill boards, websites, etc. I would build Jehovah's Witness Recovery Centers across the street, from every KH haha, I would hire people to go door to door with the JWs, "we are here to make sure you get both sides of the story". I would hire folks just to hit up docs offices, laundromats, etc anywhere there may be literature to poison the koolaid by adding info like and stuff.....
hey this is fun
I would hire the best (and sneakiest) private eyes I could, to just find out everything they could, including color photos....*eyes start to glaze over as she gets more and more lost in fantasy land of what she would do*
Diest...You would first be reprimanded for buying a lottery ticket instead of putting that dollar in the contribution box.
10 million would do the trick, frankly 5 million would do the trick but 10 would do it very well. It would fund:
- · Professional website with a marketing budget so it shows up on searches for ANYTHING about religion they get the Anti JW message
- · I would hire my own printing company to make glossy color informational brochures that would then be put into “informational kiosks” in everything from hospital waiting rooms to rest stop and restaurants
- · Billboards, radio advertisements, TV shows, Documentaries…
- · Recovery centers where people can go to un brainwash themselves
- · Shelter type setups for battered men women and children to go to when they finally have enough and leave without the approval of the elders.
- · Job and home placement services for JW’s who give up cleaning windows and actually
- · And finally… and this is my favorite… A Scholarship for Ex JW children to go to college.
I’m sure there’s a dozen other things I could do to put the money to good use, but honestly I think these things would really put the hurt on the group in the US. It would get major media attention if nothing else.
I would set aside some money to form the "Evil Slaveclass LLC".
breakfast of champions
I would love to start a scholarship fund for ex-JW kids.