Almost all the questions in Yahoo! Answers related to JW are answered by JWs....
Yahoo! Answers is swarming with JWs
by DilemmaGF 18 Replies latest social relationships
Give us examples?
I noticed a local brother was answering questions on yahoo a couple of years ago and I was following him for a while but he gave up. Judging by some of his comments it sounded like he had read Crisis of Conscience, something I am sure he would not admit to others in the congregation. Probably he did not realise how easy it was to identify him on there.
Just type any question and Google it.. if there is links on Yahoo! Answers, you'll see a number of them defending the JW
The JW's there report you to Yahoo if you say anything they don't like, and Yahoo bloody well removes your comment!!!!!!
Try this. This is fairly cringeworthy and makes the JWs look foolish and arrogant...
Yes, they showed to anwers questions where they can exalt themselves and comfortably say whatever about their belief, but they chicken out at tough questions like this one:
mind blown
The one outstanding character/feature I find with most JW's on those sites is a viciousness cocky nature without backup when combating opposers, and they always sound so angrey and stupid. TRUE.
You can also find a bunch of JW's posting defensive reviews on a movie Netflix used to have called "Witnesses of Jehovah". These "reviews" admit to never having seen the movie but all spout the standard crap. You are right, mind_blown, it's all cocky stuff with NO evidence or backup, same old tired bible verses, totally predictable. Also many of them say "I am not a JW but study with them and know many JW's" which is a red flag that the person is in fact a JW. The movie itself is unavailable, possibly due to it being checked out by JW's and then lost... maybe that's just a conspiracy theory. It's about 1975. I wish I could see it. I wonder if they count hours on posting stuff like this.
You can set up a question filter based on the keyword "Jehovah" and see all the questions. It really is a nasty spiteful group of witnesses over there.
Yes, they showed to anwers questions where they can exalt themselves and comfortably say whatever about their belief, but they chicken out at tough questions like this one:
Looks like they try to answer those questions too. Their answers just don't make any sense at all.