I met a JW in town yesterday while I was wearing this t shirt. It didn't even occur to me it was a problem because it is a joke , but he seemed really annoyed about it and kind of cut me short.
Do you think most JWs would object or was he unusual?
by slimboyfat 23 Replies latest jw friends
I met a JW in town yesterday while I was wearing this t shirt. It didn't even occur to me it was a problem because it is a joke , but he seemed really annoyed about it and kind of cut me short.
Do you think most JWs would object or was he unusual?
...We in the JW have no sense of humor that we are aware of...
I know many who are really oversensitive, and ZERO sense of humor about anything. They are extreme in the dogma. I remember once saying "look this fish is pregnant" in front of a 14 year JW girl, and had my butt handed to me on a plate for teaching her the word "pregnant".
Yeah some can be extreme.
I think it all depends on where you live. In some places it seems the jw's are stuck in a weird time warp, in others, they have seem to have more common sense. blond-monent, I had a strange experience like your "pregnant" one. I had to get to a restroom in a hurry( too may cups if tea in service), and said I had to pee deaperately. A teen-age girl said she had to pee as well, and her Mother ler her have it!"What have I told you about that word?!" blah, blah blah. I felt bad, but thought the Mom was a jerk. They can be a strange group sometimes.
usually I piss people off with this one:
I know many who are really oversensitive, and ZERO sense of humor about anything. They are extreme in the dogma. I remember once saying "look this fish is pregnant" in front of a 14 year JW girl, and had my butt handed to me on a plate for teaching her the word "pregnant".
And yet, a drawn out discussion of the dangers of porneia (pre-marital oral sex, masturbation, etc) in front of the entire congregation is perfectly acceptable because "it's good food".