Serena Williams wants a man of her faith

by behemot 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • behemot

    Serena Williams wants a man of her faith

    Serena: 'I think it's important when you marry to be evenly yoked' Posted Wed, 2012-03-28 17:32 by Tracy Scott

    Like most women, Serena Williams wants a man who’ll adore her, respect her and be faithful, but she also has another requirement for any future love interest. He must be a Jehovah’s Witness.

    “I think it’s important when you marry to be evenly yoked,” said Serena, who is currently working toward becoming a member of that faith.

    “I’ve been studying to be a Jehovah’s Witness, so I go to Kingdom Hall,” she told S2S Publisher Jamie Foster Brown. “I grew up a Witness and it’s what I know and we teach things that come from the Bible.”

    Serena talks about relationships, faith, family, career and more in the April 2012 issue of Sister 2 Sister.

  • behemot

    ... didn't notice it was already posted by dozy ... sorry for double posting!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think whomever she marries, she will make him sit when he urinates

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    I think whomever she marries, she will make him sit when he urinates

    Hey, sitting has it's benefits!

  • RayPublisher

    They are amazing tennis players...more exciting than watching the men IMO.

    Maybe we should go to her facebook:

    or her official site:

    and try and get her to visit or or any of the other zillion sites that will help her learn a bit more about what she is getting herself into...

    Let us gather our forces for GOOD!

  • RayPublisher

    Well on her site I see that she is into charitable works, helping to feed poor children in Africa, and also education. From her web page:


    Give a little bit...

    For years I wanted to do a charity on my own and do something that I knew would be beneficial for others. I could not make up my mind. Should I do something within Africa, or should I do something for women? What is my real Love? All my life my Father and Mother stressed education. My sisters and I were not allowed to do any fun extra curricular actives if we got bad grades. A bad grade being defined as a C or lower we were only allowed to bring home A's and B's. Anything less was unacceptable! Looking back on what my parents did I am so happy. It has truly helped me in all my endeavors.

    Even though you guys mostly see on the tennis court I do spend a lot of my time off the court engaging in various business ventures. I always think "what if something happened tomorrow and I was not able to pursue my tennis career?" Then what? Well my parents always stressed education for this very reason. When I was 18 I went to college for a couple of years to get a degree in fashion, and simultaneously I started my own fashion company called Aneres. I did this because I love fashion and I know it?s something that I am good at and I can do for a very long time.

    Please visit the Serena Williams Foundation at!

    I want to help

    I often think and say to myself "what I can do to help others." For years I have donated to so many different charities because I am a philanthropist at heart and I believe in the bible adage that says "giving is better than receiving." When I give I truly feel excited and happy and my heart rejoices. Last November I went to Africa and saw things over there that were simply not fair. Kids could not afford to go to school because their parents could not afford to pay $1.00 a week I was mortified. What would I have done if I did not have my education? I would be in a bad situation. I would probably be a bad money manager and I would be heading for a dead end. I couldn?t see these young people just not attend school and damage their future; however I understood that their parents simply don't have the money for school.

    I thought to myself as I toured Africa "what could I do?" Then I thought to myself I have finally found my calling, I finally found my love. I love education, I love helping people, and I love seeing people succeed. I want this world to be a better place for tomorrow. Therefore, I am building a school in Senegal that will allow kids to attend school for free. This school will be controlled through my foundation. These kids will have a chance to be the best that they can be and more. What is most important is that these kids will have a chance. That is what matters the most.

    Education... a brighter future

    I was not satisfied there I wanted more. I love Africa as those are my roots, but I want to do more. I live in the United States of America and although my roots are in Africa there are tons of people here that do not have an opportunity to go to a good school either. I could not help but think how can I go help clean someone else?s room when ours is still so dirty? One day I was sitting down on my couch watching TV and I saw a life changing commercial. Picture it: An African American kid sitting on the stoop of his home he was only 6 or 7 years old and he is a smart kid he looks to have a bright future. Fast forward to 10 years and he is again on the stoop but his future does not look so bright. He could not afford to go to college so he has to stay home. Another 5 years and he is still sitting in the same place but now he is on drugs and doing other negative things. There are so many kids Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc. that are living in the same conditions.

    If we create a society that fosters education and provides plentiful resources for financing college, than we create a healthier more productive society. Hence there won?t be as much crime if kids are not loitering around, and wasting time because of not being able to afford to do something with their time and brain. I am one person and no I am not trying to save the world or trying to make world peace. I would be happy if I could just help one person. That would be more than enough for me... But if we all just help one person imagine the impact we could make. It?s mind boggling to think about.

    The Serena Williams Foundation deals with education. I will be giving high school kids grants from all over the country. Aiding them and helping to send them to college and learn a trade or learn enough to start their own company. Learn more about the Serena Williams foundation in the coming months. There is so much we can and will do. I can?t wait to send the first kid to college!

    Please visit to donate money to help raise funds for more schools.

  • rocketman

    Well, if she gives it to the elders like she gave it to the line judge at the 2009 U.S. Open - 'I'm going to shove this ball down your throat' - her becoming a full-fledged Witness could be a good thing.

  • Quarterback

    Well, it is her decision to make. Some of JW's do make good husbands. She looks like a good catch.

    Reminds of the lyrics of a popular Eagles song, " I am searching for a woman who's the daughter of the devil himself, I am searching for a angel in white."

  • Gayle

    Is she ready to be very 'submissive' to this husband?

  • HappyDad

    She might be a winner on the tennis court but she is a loser in so many other ways. She probably doesn't even know the latest beliefs of the WT society.

    A mega millionaire wanting Utopia! It ain't gonna happen unless he is a window washer or janitor and will jump when she says jump. (not bashing self employed people. Some of them make more than ones with degrees.) But......I doubt if she even understands the JW belief in headship".



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