Our Parents Are Freaking Idiots

by Pig 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pig

    Yes this is the new realization I have just had.

    I recently went to a family event which happened to have several witnesses, none of whom I knew, thankfully.

    "Oh so you're ****'s and ****'s other child, (the evil son that went astray) nice to finally meet you"

    Anyway my Dad comments to me saying that there are allot of nice single girls in the truth. Then he asks me if I've met any nice girls lately.

    "Well, no dad, it's quite hard to meet new people once... you know...you leave the org. Isn't that how it's designed?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Well I was taught to hate the world and wasn't allowed to have worldly friends or go to school camps or other kids houses, which seems to be a tactic by the watchtower to make sure you have nothing outside the org to go to, so you can never leave"

    "Well I did the best I could, and the reason you have a steady job and you don't do drugs is because I protected you from the world"

    "But it wasn't the best YOU could do, it was handing your parental instincts and decision making to the Watchtower"

    "Well the watchtower does the best they can for us"

    I was pretty pissed off by this stage and didn't have the restraint to kindly ask how not having any friends kept me away from drugs.

    Do they not realize that the reason WE struggle is not because the world is an evil place. We struggle because that's how the watchtower designed it to be for us. Since birth they have made it so that we would be so fucking retarded that we would be forever bound to the org.

    It is not a bad reflection on us AT ALL.

    If I raised a kid to speak Klingon and only associate with vertebrate animals could I claim that I protected him from the evil world and that if he strayed he should come back to the safety of his absurd upbringing?

    You can not reason with these people. They are fucking morons. That's all there is to it.

    The reason I left the truth was because I wasn't a total moron. I didn't ever have my heart in it. It was just something I had to do. Sometimes I tried a little harder but mostly I didn't.

    How can these "adults" these people I call my parents who are apparently responsible citizens fall for the shit stain logic of the Watchtower?

    I think my next step is to just accept that some people are just stupid and gullible.

    I'm grateful for all my parents did for me, but how could they be so careless as to join this cult. It isn't even mildly convincing. Were they on drugs in the 70's? I have no idea.

  • flipper

    PIG- I know how you feel having been a born-in JW from birth myself and finally I exited the organization at age 44 in 2003. Our JW parents were mind controlled by a manipulative, controlling organization through clever and tricky tactics. I understand your anger, I still have anger towards my ever dominating elder dad as well in how he STILL dominates my JW mom.

    Have you read Steve Hassan's two books on mind control ? It might help you to understand that your parents aren't necessarily stupid - just duped and manipulated by mind control from a twisted evil cult - the WT society. Hassan's two books are titled, " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves ". You may find these books help you to understand that your folks have been manipulated in their minds , not totally of their own design . They are controlled through fear and guilt by the WT society. Hang in there, take care , been there myself with my folks

  • Pig

    Thanks flipper

    Only I fear that by knowing more about the insidious and hurtful propaganda that destroys lives I would only become more opposed to JW’s

    Sometimes it’s better to believe it is just “mommy’s club” which I don’t really understand.

    (mommy’s club was a great book, and I love books that tell about exjw’s experience)

    I understand some people have a hole that they will fill with just about any shit. But there is a point that people have to take personal responsibility.

    We all make bad decisions, but many JW parent throw all in to the watchtower. EVERYTHING. Here, take my money, my time, my new born baby you can have him too. I’m sure you’ll take care of him, I’m glad I don’t have to use my brain anymore.

  • Dagney

    @Pig: Born in here. I went through the same feelings as you expressed. Had a lot of anger. Your dad is right in a sense, nobody does anything to intentionally hurt themselves or their kids/family. They do think they are doing the right thing. Why their powers of reason stop is beyond me.

    wha and I were discussing this the other night, and he said it is the carrot...the Utopia, the tiger and swiss chalet for everybody...people want it and it overrides their BS monitor. I think that is right. I think JW's today inspite of their gut feelings of how wrong it all is, just want it to be true; they they will win the prize for their efforts for all these years...no matter how irrational the reality of it is. Amazing.

    My advice is do what

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The longer they've been in, the crazier the logic they will use.

    They have to justify sticking with a failed doomsday cult.

    I would guess it's worse for converts, like my parents. They have to justify choosing to join when the cult already had a history of prophetic failures.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea the effort to get u in and keep u in is quite effective. I remember sitting in my office at work. It was after the '95 generation change. I didn't buy it, and I didn't like what the elders were telling me and treating me. Suddenly, elders who I considered friends were looking at me sideways. However, I realized how tied in I was. My x-wife was a JW as her entire family was. my business partner was a JW. 90% of my employees were JW's. The investor whom I was paying off were JW's. Living in my guest house, JW's.

    You really end up with nowhere to go

  • ziddina


    This reminds me of one of my really old threads...


    My point in this thread being, that the fear-based control that the Watchtower Corporation instills into its victims sets them up to BE victimized by the less savory and predatory people in the world - because that is the UNDERLYING behavior pattern that the Watchtower Corporation models for them...

    Quite the opposite of your father's idea...

  • Zordino

    "Do they not realize that the reason WE struggle is not because the world is an evil place. We struggle because that's how the watchtower designed it to be for us. Since birth they have made it so that we would be so fucking retarded that we would be forever bound to the org."

    Well said PIG; Many Jaydub's born into the CULT have many social problems and many end up becoming Anti-social misfits who have a hard time fitting in. I have a brother (now out) and 2 sister's (Ubber Spiritual Pioneer Types) who are very socially disfunctional. My brother has no friends at all and suffers from Depression and Panic attacks. My parents are also stupid and gullible faithfull Jaydubs with no logic or reason left in their Brain! They've been WT Corporate Drones for almost 50 years.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Hey PIG,

    I can totally relate to your sentiments. I just endured a painful weekend visiting with my JW mom who appears to have given up on life. . . As much as I would like to say that she is a fucking idiot, in the end, she is a human being, subject to all of the flaws and fallacies we are all subject to. This does not by any means excuse anyone from poor decision-making, but reminds us that we are capable of doing better than our parents.

    Actually, I just got done talking to my evil, worldly father about my mom's condition (they've been divorced over 20 years), and he expressed his distress over her apathy towards her own health. Depressing situation, to say the least.

    At least we know TTATT!!!

  • pbrow


    i went thru the same anger with my mom. how could these people just give in to the org? When I had kids of my own i came to the realization that I needed to know this stuff left and right so I could pass it on to them. I have always had some suppressed realizations that things were a "little" weird but not until I had to teach this stuff to my kids did i realize how messed up it is. Why cant kids play sports? Because of evil wordly 8 year olds that will be playing with my children. Why cant our children do birthdays? Because giving presents and a cake to my kids is making them more important than god. The list goes on and on.

    You cannot be where you are today without going down the road you taken so I am not upset with my mother just in awe that someone could be so gullible in falling for the bs that is the watchtower.


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