The elders want to see me also

by MsGrowingGirl20 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    I mentioned a few times,that in terms of making my time for the past few months have been really difficult.Simply because i CANT teach something i don't fully believe...So my service has gone down,i used to comment a lot--haven't done that in a while----meeting attendance like normal but now i don't stay back after...or come early...or help with cleaning....

    So some weeks ago the COBO asked me a completely irrelevant and in no way helpful question---"You did't think that i notice how upset you look these days----That's not a fruitage of God's spirit!"

    Yeah so today he saw me and asked me a series of question....ALL which i gave really short answers to...Long story short--He says that he would like for me to meet wih the rest of the elders after memorial.......

    I'm upset...i don't know if i want to tell them what i've learnt..then i would be DF or reproved....ORRR beg for their forgiveness and promise to give more hours from now on..................thereby remaining a witness......arggghhhhh

  • MsGrowingGirl20
  • leavingwt

    If you don't tell them what they want to hear, they can disfellowship you. Keep that in mind.

  • palmtree67

    Tell them you're not feeling well lately, maybe a touch of depression and that you need some time.

    Thank them for their concern and remind them that you know you can always call on them if you need anything.

    Don't talk about anything with them just yet.

    Good luck, dear.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    i think it might have something to do with me going to college

  • sir82

    Only you can decide what you want to do.

    I think it would be best to leave on your own terms, when you are ready. You don't sound quite ready yet.

    You are under no obligation to meet with them. You could just say (the more firmly the better) "thanks for your concern - I won't be able to meet with you that day. I'll let you know when I need some help."

    If for some reason you decide to meet with them, and don't want to raise red flags, just smile and nod a lot to everything they say. Be agreeable and say you'll study / answer / preach / whatever they want more, then (of course) promptly and completely fail to do so.

  • leavingwt

    You can expect the following two questions.

    (1) Do you consider yourself to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    (2) Do you believe that Watchtower is God's Organization?

    If you don't want to be disfellowshipped, you must answer 'Yes' to each question.

    Additionally, you must deny having any contact with 'apostates' or reading any 'apostate' literature.

  • baltar447

    Tell them you want to drop off the List, that way they can't hold this college nonsense over you.

  • baltar447

    Don't mention doubts, just drop off the list. Be firm about it.

  • 00DAD

    Either politely, but firmly, decline to meet with them; or just say you're discouraged.

    Thank you for their interest, but say it's personal and you'd rather not discuss it (READ: You are NOT going to discuss it.)

    As LWT said, if you tell them anything they don't like they can DF you. You are under absolutely NO obligation to discuss your personal thoughts and feelings with them.

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