I mentioned a few times,that in terms of making my time for the past few months have been really difficult.Simply because i CANT teach something i don't fully believe...So my service has gone down,i used to comment a lot--haven't done that in a while----meeting attendance like normal but now i don't stay back after...or come early...or help with cleaning....
So some weeks ago the COBO asked me a completely irrelevant and in no way helpful question---"You did't think that i notice how upset you look these days----That's not a fruitage of God's spirit!"
Yeah so today he saw me and asked me a series of question....ALL which i gave really short answers to...Long story short--He says that he would like for me to meet wih the rest of the elders after memorial.......
I'm upset...i don't know if i want to tell them what i've learnt..then i would be DF or reproved....ORRR beg for their forgiveness and promise to give more hours from now on..................thereby remaining a witness......arggghhhhh