Changes to the Watchtower and Awake magazines size! (Unnanounced Confidential letter)
by tooktheredpill 14 Replies latest jw friends
Try a different browser. The subject has been mentioned in a thread a day or two ago.
Hello all!
Below is a copy of a letter that is supposed to be read to the congregations after April 2. I don't know if it was posted before, but it explains changes in the WT websites and changes in the size of the printed Watchtower and Awake! Magazine sizes.
Please let us know what do you think about it!
April 2, 2012
Re: Announcement to be read following Watchtower Study during week of April 2, 2012
Dear Brothers:
The Internet is a technology that Jehovah’s organization is using to good advantage to spread the
good news to all corners of the earth. Consider the impact our Web sites are having. On a typical day,
400,000 people, both Witnesses and non-Witnesses, visit,, or
They read our publications online in over 430 languages. Each day they download close to half a million
audio, text, or sign-language-video files. Every day a hundred requests for Bible studies are sent
in. To enhance the effectiveness of our use of the Internet, the Governing Body has decided to consolidate
the three sites into one site called The Web site will be completely redesigned. It will be
appealing and easy to navigate using either a computer or a mobile device.
The redesigned Web site is planned for release around the beginning of June 2012. It
will paint an appealing picture of our preaching work, branch offices, Kingdom Halls, and conventions.
A newsroom section will provide up-to-date reporting on events affecting God’s people
worldwide. Selected features from our magazines that can be presented more effectively on the
Web site will now be published only on These include the following: “For Young People,”
“My Bible Lessons,” and the Gilead graduation report from the public edition of The Watchtower
and “For Family Review” and “Young People Ask” from Awake! In addition, a series of online articles
available only on the Web site will provide concise, clear answers to questions about the Bible
and about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The Governing Body has noted the growing tendency for people to obtain reading material
from the Internet and has carefully weighed the effect this trend is having on the printing industry
and on our ability to obtain paper and equipment for printing. Based on these changing conditions,
effective with the issues of January 2013, Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower will be
reduced from 32 pages to 16 pages. These magazines that we distribute to the public will continue
to provide a rich supply of enlightening material to attract people to the truth of God’s Word. Since
each issue will contain less material, it may be possible for more translation teams to be able to
translate every issue of Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower, thus increasing the number
of languages in which they are available. The study edition of The Watchtower will continue to
be a 32-page magazine.
The Governing Body is confident that these adjustments will enable us to reach even more
people with the Bible’s life-saving message while continuing to provide a rich supply of nourishing
spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood.
Your brothers,
cc: Traveling overseers
Re: Announcement to be read following Watchtower Study during week of April 2, 2012
April 2, 2012
Page 2
PS to coordinator of the body of elders:
This matter should be kept strictly confidential among the elders until the letter is read in
your congregation. Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation following the Watchtower
Study during the week of April 2, 2012. This will be the same day as the special talk. In most
congregations this will be Sunday, April 8, 2012. The brother who delivered the special talk should
be invited to read this letter to the audience, if he is available to do so. Thereafter, this letter should
be posted on the information board for four weeks.
The reading of this letter is in addition to the shorter announcement to be read by the chairman
immediately following the special talk as outlined in the letter dated February 1, 2012, to all
bodies of elders. Therefore, the chairman will read the shorter announcement following the special
talk and before the Watchtower Study. Following the Watchtower Study, the brother who delivered
the special talk will read this letter and thereafter introduce the concluding song. -
Thank you very much for posting this letter!
Aussie Oz
And here is the satire version...
Re: Announcement to be read following Watchtower Study during week of April 2, 2012
Dear Brothers:
The Internet is a technology that the marketing organization is scared of. Consider the hits our Web sites are having. On a typical day, 400,000 people, both Witnesses but mostly apostates, visit,, or They criticize our publications online in over 430 languages. Each day they download close to half a million audio, text, or sign-language-video files that are examined for errors. Every day a hundred apostates request Bible studies.To change the effectiveness of our use of the Internet, the Governing Body (actually, the writing dept) has decided to consolidate the three sites into one site called The Web site will be completely redesigned. It will be a masterpiece of doublespeak and be easy to navigate using either a computer or a mobile device. Ok, we are playing catch up with the rest of the world.
The redesigned Web site is planned for release around the beginning of June 2012. It
will paint a lovely misleading picture of our preaching work, branch offices, Kingdom Halls, and conventions.A newsroom section will provide up-to-date reporting on events we engineer to affect God’s people worldwide. Selected features from our magazines that can be manipulated more effectively on the Web site will now be published only on These include the following: “For Young People,” “My Bible Lessons,” and the Gilead graduation report from the public edition of The Watchtower (but not for long) and “For Family Review” and “Young People Ask” from Awake! In addition, a series of online articles available only on the Web site will provide concise, propaganda to questions about the 'Bible' and about Jehovah’s Witnesses. But not about our global investment and real estate network.
The Old Guys have been advised about the growing tendency for people to obtain reading material from the Internet while browsing porn and has carefully weighed the effect this trend is having on the printing industry and on our ability to obtain paper and equipment for printing. (after being caught polluting our land) Based on these changing conditions, effective with the issues of January 2013, Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower will be reduced from 32 pages to 16 pages. These magazines that we distribute to the public will continue to provide a rich supply of propaganda to attract unwary people to the Corporation. And save us a bucket at the same time. Nice 'sell' don't you think?Since each issue will contain less material, it may be possible for more translation teams to be able to translate every issue of Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower, thus increasing the number of languages in which they are available. We say may, because we keep on laying off Bethelites. The JW only edition of The Watchtower will continue to be a 32-page magazine, as it takes that many pages to keep you under control.
The CEO and his management team feel these adjustments in marketing strategy will enable us to reach even more customers with the religions life-altering indoctrinations while continuing to provide a rich supply of ca$h for the multinational investment house.Your Masters,
cc: Traveling sales managers
Re: Announcement to be read following the indoctrination session during week of April 2, 2012
April 2, 2012
Page 2
PS to coordinator of the body of task masters:
This matter should be kept strictly confidential among the elders until the letter is read in
your congregation. Trust No body. Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation following the Watchtower Study during the week of April 2, 2012. This will be the same day as the un-special talk. In most congregations this will be Sunday, April 8, 2012. The brother who delivered the special talk should be invited to read this letter to the audience, if he is available to do so. Thereafter, this letter should be posted on the information board for four weeks. This should spin an air of importance to this downsizing information.
The reading of this letter is in addition to the shorter announcement to be read by the chairman
immediately following the special talk as outlined in the letter dated February 1, 2012, to all
bodies of elders. Therefore, the chairman will read the shorter announcement following the special talk and before the Watchtower Study. Following the Watchtower Study, the brother who delivered the special talk will read this letter and thereafter introduce the concluding song.Got it? Don't make us repeat these complex top secret announcements.
OZ !!! That is brilliant ! and so so true .
It amazes me when I look back, that I used to write a satirical text in my mind for this sort of thing, I was aware of the mind control, though I did not identify it as that, or call it that, but I fought down the obvious conclusion, that we were being conned.
I was a born in and had heard this sort of thing all my life, and I rationalised it, but it constantly grated on me that they presented such matters in a puerile way, as though talking to children, just as when parents give an explanation and even as a child you are aware that there is much more behind it.
You are spot on mate, your version is exactly what they are really saying.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Thanks OZ, I needed that.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
So, the Public Talk, "Is It Later Than You Think?" will be followed by the announcement, "Is It Smaller Than You Think?"
and less frequent than you think !
At Aussie is the simplified version of the letter.
Dear Brothers,
The Internet is a bad place which is why we have discouraged it use in every form. However, new light suggests that the Internet could and should be used to spread our words to others. We still hate the Internet, but we love the ease at which we can disseminate publications and save printing costs. Enjoy the digital feast!